‘Beyond ticked off, disrespected’: Gold Star families blast Biden over debate lie that no US troops died under his watch – IOTW Report

‘Beyond ticked off, disrespected’: Gold Star families blast Biden over debate lie that no US troops died under his watch

‘It took all self-restraint not to put my fist right through my TV.’

14 Comments on ‘Beyond ticked off, disrespected’: Gold Star families blast Biden over debate lie that no US troops died under his watch

  1. This piece of dog shit didn’t even call the families of those were killed and presided over their caskets while looking at his watch! The man is a jerk, a cad, a liar, a weasel and his entire life is nothing but a monument to mind-numbing stupidity! I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as this complete Asshole! Even Lepers avoid him as they know he is just a vile, worthless, bought and paid for Lying Toad!

  2. The worthless sack of shit is a known commodity. He is what he is and there is absolutely nothing regarding the contempt he has for others that hasn’t been known for decades.

  3. No joke, I kno whatture going thru, dud I tellya bout my Beau who died in Ganistan and Irok because MAGA took 9ver mocray on June 66th?

    My boy was just like yours. Hows your boy doin anyhow? When I looked at the time at Lonnie Anderson AFB, Im prwetty sure summon said alla soldjers were OK, excrp my Beau who died when Trump was Senator. Hey, lemmie tellya about my Beau…dhuknr …anyway

  4. Of COURSE they dont care about the military, beyond destroying it.

    “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

    -Barack Obama

    Did you think he was kidding?

  5. Setting aside the issue of Gold Star family abuse, has anyone graphed the number of servicemembers forced to retire for disabilities versus time? Such a graph “might” show the effect of the Biden Vaccine Bloodbath on those who chose to serve.

  6. Clint Eastwood should appear at the RNC convention like he did in 2012 using an empty chair to speak to the Obamboozler. This time around he should use a stool, only just just any kind of stool. He should use the kind that is usually found on the streets of San Francisco… you know, the big, brown smelly kind to represent Jackass Joe!

  7. Biden’s life story: The Fictionalization of a President”

    He is becoming a legend in his and the Bididiots.

    America needs a savior, needs a leader like Barry Sisters to step in and become the world antichrist…

  8. @Harry

    I like your choice of words: The man is a jerk, a cad, a liar, a weasel…

    Especially “cad”, a word that surely needed resurrecting. Now is the time for it.

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