Bezos Falls To 4th Place – IOTW Report

Bezos Falls To 4th Place

Just The News

Jeff Bezos saw his coveted rank on the list of world’s richest people drop a notch on Friday as a rapidly shifting top-spot lineup pushed him into fourth place.

Indian business tycoon Gautam Adani moved into the #3 spot on Forbes’s rich list on Friday, finishing the day with just over $150 billion to his name ahead of Bezos’s roughly $147 million. 

Adani, whose family fortune includes a vast portfolio of various industries including energy and data, still ranks behind French billionaire Bernard Arnaut, though by just a few billion. more

8 Comments on Bezos Falls To 4th Place

  1. All that money earned in a competitive, free market economy. And he supports communism. SMH. None of these fools realize that when communists take over they execute useful idiots like Bezos and Gates.

  2. I certainly don’t spend a penny at Amazon. Ever. Or buy his rag, the Washington Post. I can find what I need elsewhere in all cases.

    Matter of fact, when Trump was waxing poetic about President McKinley last night I quickly found a history book about him written not long after his assassination that I bought. No revisionism. Old book.

    I hate Dr. Evil. He gets nothing from me. Ever.


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