Bibi vs. BBC: News Outlet ‘Regrets’ Misleading Jerusalem Stabbing Headline – IOTW Report

Bibi vs. BBC: News Outlet ‘Regrets’ Misleading Jerusalem Stabbing Headline


On Friday, a twenty three-year old Israeli border policewoman was killed by a terrorist in Jerusalem.



And, true to form, the BBC managed, in the space of one headline, to transform the vicious Arab attackers into victims.

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6 Comments on Bibi vs. BBC: News Outlet ‘Regrets’ Misleading Jerusalem Stabbing Headline

  1. “Three Palestinians killed after deadly stabbing in Jerusalem.”

    “Regret?” Willful dis-ingenuity, dissembling, prevarication, misleading, mendaciousness, “spin.” How does one “regret” that? Regret that it’s been pointed out? Regret that their institutional bias is exposed? Regret that their blatant antisemitism is on display?

    They didn’t make a “mistake” – failed to dot an “i” or cross a “t” – they endeavored to mislead.

    And BBC is the official organ of the Empire – not some privately run concern like the NYTs or the WaPo (which are volunteers for nihilism, socialism, National socialism, Fascism, Communism, izlamism, and every other oppressive totalitarianism on Earth).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I don’t really get why there is so much anti-jew hatred in the states these days. I’m on some other sites that have folks cheering for the killers, and then they go on to rant about how the (((tribe))) is trying to bring down western civilization. I don’t see it. Why would they bring down the west only to have all of Islam at their throats?

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