Bible Sales Boom Amid ‘Anxiety’ as Things Go ‘Off the Rails’ – IOTW Report

Bible Sales Boom Amid ‘Anxiety’ as Things Go ‘Off the Rails’

In appealing to voters of faith, President-elect Donald Trump vowed a religious revival in America, and now there is a quantifiable way to measure him on that vow: Sales of Bibles are booming.

Despite overall print book sales relatively stagnant in the past year (up less than 1%), Bible sales were up 22% through the end of October, according to Circana BookScan, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

Despite 28% of adults in the U.S. now religiously unaffiliated, according to Pew Research Center, Bible sales rose to 14.2 million in 2023 from 9.7 million in 2019, and have already hit 13.7 million in the first 10 months of this year, the Journal reported. more

21 Comments on Bible Sales Boom Amid ‘Anxiety’ as Things Go ‘Off the Rails’

  1. In the immoprtal words of Richard Milhous Nixon, “My fellow Americans, the long dark night for America is about to end.

    The time has come for us to leave the valley of despair and climb the mountain so that we may see the glory of the dawn—a new day for America, and a new dawn for peace and freedom in the world”.

  2. It sure as hell won’t be bidumb, the deep state and the democraps. They all hate God and good riddance after Jan. 20th but there will always be a few left afterwards. Hopefully and prayerfully, we are on the verge of a new Jesus revolution (that saved a lot of us including me back in the early and mid 70’s) and at least the 3rd or 4th great awakenings as in times past when we needed God the most like we do now.

  3. Unfortunately i currently live the valley of despair…

    My wife of 30 years of marriage is dying of an incurable condition similar, but more fatal, than parkinsons. She is only 52…

    However, we are fortunate enough to be true believers in Christ.

  4. Fullmetal 256, do not despair I too lost my wife of 35 and a half years to leukemia and finally it was pneumonia that she died of at the age of 56 at the end of Feb. 2013. This too shall pass, we are both Christians saved in the early 70’s by the Jesus revolution, myself a Protestant and she was from a large Catholic family. We met at church in 1976 and fell in love and married a year later when I was 24 and she had just turned 21. We had a good marriage although there were ups and downs like everyone and we had 3 kids, my son being the oldest and 2 daughters. I still miss her, but I know that she is safe in the loving arms of Jesus and waiting in Heaven for me. She was the greatest gift that I ever received from God other than my salvation and our 3 kids and now 5 grandkids and a soon to be adopted granddaughter. It’s not easy but I wish God’s blessing on you during your time of despair. May God bless you and keep you during this time and know that all will be well. It hasn’t been easy, but God’s mercy and grace has kept me alive and still faithful knowing that she was the best friend that I ever had, glory be to God.

  5. fullmetal256, I’m praying for you and your wife, that she be healed in the Name of Jesus and that you have peace that passes all understanding. I can only imagine the heartbreak you both are experiencing. Yet, also the determination you both have to trust the Lord through this test of faith.

    Please continue to petition the Lord for your wife’s complete healing. Yes, as a Christian go boldly before the Father’s throne with your request. Praise and Worship God for His goodness in the mist of the pain. Show the enemy your faith in the God is strong. Stand. Continue to stand.

    Be comforted in knowing God still can provide a miracle on your wife’s behalf. The love and devotion you have for your dear wife is surpassed infinitely by the Love God has for the both of you.

    Trust in the Lord.
    Be encouraged and God Bless!

  6. Fullmetal256, ‘If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.’ 1 Cor. 15:19. Our hope lays beyond this life into a great eternity, in the Presence of God and the One who saved us, Christ Jesus. He has prepared for us a place, and although we suffer here for a while, nothing can compare to what awaits us as followers of Jesus. Now, more than ever, cling to that hope and it will see you through any dark day you will face.

  7. Thank you Geoff and 99th.. your words are TRUE and they help.

    Although i do not see the Lord healing my wife, as pain is part of life, i do however understand the love of our Lord.

    I will do what i can to help my wife as nuch as i am able, as i am her caretaker and husband, as she is in hospice.

  8. fullmetal256 — We’re praying for you and your wife. There are many here who have been down this path. We know the anguish you are experiencing and pray for God’s perfect peace for you.

    AA & Geoff C.

  9. fullmetal256
    Monday, 2 December 2024, 5:23 at 5:23 am

    “Although i do not see the Lord healing my wife, as pain is part of life, i do however understand the love of our Lord.”

    …you need not despair of the Lord healing your wife. Heal her he will, but by His greater understanding and not ours. He is her Ultimate Physician, and His plan for her may be to heal her current flesh, or to clothe her in a glorified, incorruptible body that she may stand in His Presence and wait for you to join them when your time is come, as it will for us all. There, unburdened by the worries of the world or the weaknesses of the flesh, you will look upon each other before Him and know TRUE joy forever together, with Him and all that have gone before you, for beyond the grave lies much more than memory.

    One way or another, she WILL be healed and made whole. On that, by His Blood on the Cross, you can be sure.

    But I know that, great and wonderful as His Blessed Assurance may be, it seems small comfort when standing beside your beloved here and now. I myself have no skill as a comforter, having seen too much and lost too many to have a lexicon for comfort in earthly suffering; I can only comfort with thorns, so I will not try of myself.

    But I know a Man who Can, and will pray He visits You with His Spirit, that you and she may be comforted in whatever way He chooses to heal her that you both know that he IS healing her, even if that healing is the temporary separation that we all must endure, sooner or later, in His time and not ours.

    Dear Lord, we come before You today in prayer and supplication, asking that You extend Your Mercy upon this suffering woman whose name is known to You, and this man who for decades has stood resolutely in love by her side, faithful to the woman You gave in marriage to him these many decades ago. Relieve her pain, ease her time of abiding, and do not withhold Your healing from her in whatever way You as her Creator know is best. And Lord, comfort this man who stands stalwartly beside her in her time of need, send Your Comforter to him with words of peace and comfort and love, to assure him that You will do what is best for her and that this trial only strengthens the bonds of love they have for each other and for You, and that this is a time to draw closer to You in the Blessed Assurance of life eternal, in a body untroubled by the hurts of the world. Comfort too all that love her and grieve for her in her time of need with the knowledge that all is not in vain and that joy awaits in the future, come what may in the present, in accordance with Your Word and in the fullness of Your time. Let all those that love her take the time to love each other and You as well, that when their time comes those that stand by their bedside may be comforted by the same knowledge in turn, that life will go on regardless of what happens in a hospice room for those who have faith in His written Promise to us all.

    It is much to ask and I and no man is worthy to ask it of Tou, but by the covering of His Blood that He shed for us at Calvary, and in Your Word you tell us by His stripes we are healed, so it is on that precious Blood and on Your eternal Mercy I pray, in the blessed name of Jesus,

    God Bless,

  10. This (along with many others) is the reason this blog is so important. Like-minded people can congregate, come together and support, lift up, provide balance and perspective, and commiserate in times of despair and darkness.

    God has a plan. He has put us on this road, sometimes bumpy and oftentimes not clearly marked, but we know that he is with us always, and the faithful will always be protected.

  11. SuperNightShade – thank you for the heartfelt prayer. And thank you for your posts, as they are extremely informative and interesting.

    Rich Taylor – thank you – I agree. I love this blog and all the people on it (yes – even the anonymous ‘folks’).

    Even though this is the toughest road I’ve been on, I will get through this. Mostly from the Lord’s help, but also from those that care, which includes many on this blog. Thank you BFH!

    I apologize for hijacking this thread with my pain, but it seemed to fit.

    And thank all of you for being here. I watch this daily, if not more

  12. The wokeness, transgenderism/queer deviancy, drug abuse, illegal invasion, criminal behavior, neglect, government corruption and social engineering has burdened society so severely the Godless are overwhelmed.
    Godless people doing whatever in life eventally have to be accountable to God. In their abandonment, denial and rejection of God they reach a literal dead end.

    All that Satan promises turns to dust, bitterness and destruction. Reality hits and the Godless facing a Hellish eternity of darkness and torment finally come to their senses. That’s when God becomes their rescue. He’s been waiting for them to cry out and seek Him through His Word. As Christians we must plant the seeds of faith and pray for the harvest – the increase of God’s kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

    The Godless eventually take seriously and to heart the Word of the God;

    John 3:16-21, The Holy Bible NKJV
    16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    17. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
    18. “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
    19. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
    20. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
    21. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

  13. Thanks, I needed that. This Christmas season I will be listening to classical Christmas music, Bach, Handel, Tchykovski. Mozart etc. as well as Celtic Christmas music and leaving off all the cheesy pop American standard Christmas music. I want to celebrate and hear real music that gives praise and worship to God and not the same old holiday Christmas music of years past. Christmas is about Jesus and not American commercialism which I am sick of every year as I get older. And keeping the TV off as much as possible to avoid all the annoying ads. John Michael Talbot’s album The Birth of Jesus is my favorite this time of year.


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