Biblical Mosaics Uncovered in 5th Century Synagogue in Israel – IOTW Report

Biblical Mosaics Uncovered in 5th Century Synagogue in Israel

TheTower: A set of mosaics depicting two scenes from the Hebrew Bible has been discovered by archaeologists carrying out excavations at a fifth century synagogue in Israel’s Galilee, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announced this week.

“This is by far the most extensive series of biblical stories ever found decorating the mosaic floor of an ancient synagogue,” said UNC-Chapel Hill Prof. Jodi Magness, who led the excavations along with assistant director Shua Kisilevitz of the Israel Antiquities Authority. “The arrangement of the mosaics in panels on the floor brings to mind the synagogue at Dura Europos in Syria, where an array of biblical stories is painted in panels on the walls.”

The panels on the floor of the synagogue’s nave, the central part of the structure’s hall, illustrate two biblical stories: Noah’s Ark and the parting of the Red Sea. The panel centering on the former scene depicts an ark and pairs of various animals, while the latter shows large fish swallowing Pharaoh’s soldiers among overturned chariots.  more here

6 Comments on Biblical Mosaics Uncovered in 5th Century Synagogue in Israel

  1. see, when i was a youth, they taught us Bible stories using flannel on a board and cut out figures, telling those stories would have been harder with tiles. Just sayin’

  2. I’m sure if they keep digging they will find PLO literature claiming that the synagogue was made by fake Jews who only moved into steel the land from the Muslims who, at that time, were not there yet or something.

    Its all very confusing when you take historical facts into account; someone needs to get clarification on that post haste. They can reach out to Hillary who is on a first name bases with Sura Arafat. If I had money I would be running adds with that fact and then show the pallytards dancing in the street on 9/11. But that is me.

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