Bicycles and Dumplings Leave Chinese Authorities With Heartburn – IOTW Report

9 Comments on Bicycles and Dumplings Leave Chinese Authorities With Heartburn

  1. Yes, let’s smirk at the Chicom consternation and ham-handed response to the larks of students receiving free education and playing with public e-bikes to make some sort of harmless, pointless statement.

    Meanwhile, back in the USA, we’ve got flashmob shoplifters in our urban shit-holes, open sewer drug-addict camps on city streets, dirtbags on dirt bikes running rampant on those same streets, as well as golf courses and even the Mall in DC. We’ve got hordes of people streaming across our southern border (many of them Chinese BTW) and they don’t need no stinkin’ e-bikes. We’ve got soaring inflation and unemployment, as well as unaffordable housing.

    So please forgive me if I take no comfort in the CCP’s minor discomfort at some “youthful exuberance” signifying exactly nothing. No matter how bad they try to paint the picture of China’s economic and social situation, they can’t distract Americans from what we are living and can see with our own two eyes.

    Let’s hope PDT can put a dent in this, and slow down the growing Chinese hegemony, because we are waiting in vain for Red China to collapse under its own weight like the USSR, and even if it did collapse, that wouldn’t solve any of our problems.

  2. I never understood why people who ride BIcycles are called “cyclists” while people who ride motorcycles are called “bikers”. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?


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