Biden Accuser Tara Reade Defects to Russia – IOTW Report

Biden Accuser Tara Reade Defects to Russia


Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer to Joe Biden who accused him of sexual assault during the 2020 presidential election, has now defected to Russia.

Reade made her defection known in an interview with the pro-Vladimir Putin outlet Sputnik during a press conference.

“I’m still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” Reade said. “I feel very surrounded by protection and safety.”

According to The Guardian, Tara Reade was joined by Maria Butina, “a convicted Russian agent jailed in the US but now a member of parliament in Russia.”

In March of 2020, Tara Reade claimed that then-senator Joe Biden sexually assaulted her while she served as an aide in his Senate offices during the Clinton administration. Shortly thereafter, she detailed her account in multiple interviews and filed a criminal complaint against the former vice president with the Washington, D.C., police department. MORE

11 Comments on Biden Accuser Tara Reade Defects to Russia

  1. Sad.
    Fear of being killed by your own govt driving you to defect to an enemy nation….
    I wonder what kind of threats she’s been getting to make her so fearful?
    She obviously knows the Republicans are weak and all the hearings in the world won’t make the corrupt DOJ do what is legally right.

  2. One cannot “defect” from the United States of America.
    In a (more or less) free Republic, one can come and go as he pleases.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Is she the only American that has defected to Russia in recent years? Any woman opening her mouth about being sexually abused is digging their own grave. Maybe she can talk The Five into defecting as well.

  4. Thank you Tim. One is simply doing as one chooses if one leaves or (legally) enters a free nation. One can infer the writer and editor either di not consider the US a free nation or are ignorant and lazy.

    Ask US officialdom if we are at war with Russia, ask whether congress has approved and declared a state of war.

    Reade may have simply had enough of America’s descent into barbarism and concluded to remove to a location not so damaged by the ascendance of sexual perversion as an organizing principle in popular culture.

  5. amen walter. the descent is mind boggling. wont be long before the honest people realize they are the minority in america and the path to self preservation is dishonesty and perversion. the feds are leading the way to anarchy at lightspeed. the movie idocracy comes to mind. get ready to be somebody’s pet monkey waiting behind bars for the days treat or a scratch behind the ears.

  6. I learned a bit of Русский язык as a child and then studied it at Arizonskiy Shtatskiy Universityete, so I’ve known a lot about this part of the world my whole life

    And I knew the “Russian Collusion” thing was unexpurgated Khorseshi within picofractions of a nanosecond after those words were first belched out of the linguistic piehole in the middle of Hillary Clinton’s hideous face. And every thing that has been said about Russia since is every bit as false as the first thing was. Its as false as every other thing the Dems and their media whores have spewed out in the same timeframe. So dont buy into ANY of it.
    Under my actual name, I post 500-1000 word essays on numerous Russian hate group blogs on Quora debunking whatever the Ukro talking point of the day is. And the way these maniacs respond makes me want to petition Russia for asylum myself

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