Biden Admin Asks Sanctuary Cities To Cooperate With ICE To Deport Criminal Illegal Migrants – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Asks Sanctuary Cities To Cooperate With ICE To Deport Criminal Illegal Migrants

— But There’s A Problem.

DC Enquirer: The Biden administration is asking sanctuary cities to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the deportation of criminal illegal migrants despite previously enacting policies that could hinder the effort.

The administration’s push to crackdown on criminal illegal aliens runs counter to earlier policies enacted under President Joe Biden, such as closing ICE detention facilities and rolling back Trump-era Department of Justice law enforcement cooperation grants. The administration’s pleas for sanctuary cities to work with ICE in arrests follows several high-profile murders allegedly committed by illegal aliens, including the killing of 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley by an illegal Venezuelan immigrant, which Biden has not addressed. MORE

13 Comments on Biden Admin Asks Sanctuary Cities To Cooperate With ICE To Deport Criminal Illegal Migrants

  1. just in time for the state of the union. he’ll announce that he is cracking down, and the Dems will stand and cheer, then the flying monkeys in the media will say what a great job he is doing on immigration

  2. “Deportation” will consist of putting them on planes for show, and flying them to another sanctuary city in the middle of the night. GUARANTEED. TREASON.

  3. Yep, they are all criminals. Unfortunately those attempting to take over see the illegals that are not actively destroying America as their ticket to complete control.

    If they were truly concerned about illegal activities, they would admit their crimes and welcome imprisonment or death.


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