Biden admin forces family of soldier killed in Afghanistan withdrawal to pay $60,000 to transport her body to Arlington National Cemetery – IOTW Report

Biden admin forces family of soldier killed in Afghanistan withdrawal to pay $60,000 to transport her body to Arlington National Cemetery


The family of a female Marine who was killed during the disasterous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 was forced to pay $60,000 to have her body flown from California to Arlington to be buried.

Nicole Gee, 23, was one of 13 service members who were killed during a suicide blast at the Kabul Airport in 2021, per Daily Mail. There were also 170 Afghans reportedly killed in the attack that ISIS took responsibility for.

The attack took place on August 26, during an evacuation attempt near the US embassy.

Cory Mills, a Republican lawmaker and Army veteran, reportedly met with the families of the 13 service members who were lost in the attack. He was told one of the families was forced to pay $60,000 to have the body of a loved one moved to be buried. more

20 Comments on Biden admin forces family of soldier killed in Afghanistan withdrawal to pay $60,000 to transport her body to Arlington National Cemetery

  1. This has me sooooo pissed off i sent an email to my Congress person. Since she is a liberal, black woman i am guessing she is all in favor of this sort of treatment of our military families.
    Can’t wait to see her response. sarc off.

  2. What else would you expect from an administration who doesn’t give a damn about the 13 military service members who were killed by terrorists when we abruptly left Ashcanistan. BASTARDS, I have no words except for some (sailor type words) very explicit expletives to say about these lowlife SOB’s who have zero respect for our fallen soldiers.

  3. Tax payers were footing Nancy’s booze on her govt jet to the tune $200,000 a year. And let’s not forget her friends and family flying for free. This tells you all you need to know about democrats.

  4. “Taking Chance” is a fairly decent TV movie that sheds a little light on transporting someone KIA from the battlefield to Dover & to their final resting place . It’s all done to maintain the dignity of the Fallen and his/her family.

  5. At this point I don’t want Shitpants impeached. Too much money would be wasted.

    He should be clubbed on the head and thrown into a pigsty full of huge and hungry swine. They can eat him alive.

    Get a big enough sty set up and you can then proceed with Yertle, Pelousy, obola, Lindsie, ad infit

  6. FALSE Reporting.
    A private citizen’s aircraft flew this young Marine to Arlington Cemetery at no cost to the family or the Charitable organization who assisted them.

    In very small Print under the headline: (Also false)
    “Honoring Our Fallen”, a non-profit that helps families of fallen American service members, covered the cost of having Gee’s body transported.

    A private citizens flew her in his private Jet at no cost to the family or the Non-profit..

  7. Not to be the wet blanket….but why couldn’t the Fallen One have been buried in a local military cemetery, close to the family?
    Why fly it all the way from Kalifornicaton to Arlington?


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