Biden Admin Intends To Quadruple Military Presence In Taiwan – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Intends To Quadruple Military Presence In Taiwan

The amount of United States troops stationed in Taiwan is growing at an alarming rate.

National File: The Biden administration is planning on quadrupling the amount of U.S. military on the island over the next couple of months, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Just 12 months ago only 30 members of the U.S. military were stationed in Taiwan. Now, under the direction of President Joe Biden, 100-200 more troops will be deployed to the island.

The increased number of troops will be expanding a training program located on the island, which is in close proximity to China. The upcoming deployment will be the largest increase in deployment to Taiwan in decades. MORE

11 Comments on Biden Admin Intends To Quadruple Military Presence In Taiwan

  1. I’m sure they will pack in a big batch of brand new equipment.
    Will dumb ass just leave them behind?
    Fuel for the next crisis?
    So between the Taliban, Ukraine, and Taiwan, how much do we have left?
    “Build back better” is definitely the opposite of “America First”.

  2. Xi Pingers got a handful of problems. The Chicom economy ain’t jack shit without the American consumer. As bad as things are in that country right now, thank you DJT, they can get much worse. The dudes daughter moved to America and she says, fuck you dad, I’m not coming back. By the way, I always read Zing Pinger was educated in the US at an Ivy League Uni. Googled it to find out which one. Scrubbed. Nada past grade school privileged communist school in the shit hole province. I’m not the only one who noticed. Fucking Google is a foreign agent. Now lets get to Taiwan and the ensuing aerial war. Whom ever controls the skies controls the battle. Taiwan flies our F 16s. A formidable aircraft. They’re constantly rotating pilots out here for dog fight school. Reports are they’re not half bad. Mean while, Walmart inc flies fake F35’s. A suspect platform. It would really be cool to find ot who gave them those designs. I’m guessing a greasy political type. Maybe Flimsy Graham. Now lets move forward to the Avionics package. Remember, the average ChiCom is dumber than a box of rocks. If they copied the designs provided, we would have owned those aircraft. It’s true. The F22s and the F35s were designed to be a hunter killer network. The F22s, command and control and the bleed 411 off of every other planes package in the sky that’s on our side and pass on strategic attack, survival info. Nothing like getting that info from yor enemies aircraft too. Bottom line is Pinger knows his fake air force is no match for Tiawans F16s. In fact it would be embarrassing. Feel free to fact check me. But don’t use Google.

  3. ‘Quadruple’, when you are starting with 30, doesn’t seem like a particularly big deal.
    But all of the new ones are there to implement DEI. That’s the scary part! 🙂

  4. What a weak gesture. A better response would have been to park the USS Ronald Reagan battle group on the northern port and the USS Theodore Roosevelt battle group on the southern port with the USS Nimitz battle group patrolling around the island.


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