Biden Admin Policies Could Place Migrant Kids in Homes With Sex Offenders – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Policies Could Place Migrant Kids in Homes With Sex Offenders

WFB: The Biden administration’s attempts to implement a more humane immigration policy are leading it to hand migrant children over to American adults who haven’t submitted to background checks, according to a Senate report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. That has made those kids vulnerable to everything from being placed in the custody of legal guardians who have a history of child neglect to living in homes with registered sex offenders.

The report, from Sen. Rob Portman (R., Ohio) and Republican members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, paints a devastating picture of how the Biden administration has mismanaged the southern border, which has seen more than 2.5 million crossings since he took office. Biden’s attempt to strike a contrast on immigration with his predecessor may have backfired, putting in danger thousands of minors who have now lost contact with federal authorities, according to the report.

In an effort to reverse Trump administration policies that President Joe Biden characterized on the campaign trail as cruel and inhumane, many unaccompanied alien children who come into the custody of American officials are now handed over to adults in the United States without any vetting, the report says. Those background checks would verify, among other things, that alien children are not given to guardians who are on the sex offender registry. MORE

11 Comments on Biden Admin Policies Could Place Migrant Kids in Homes With Sex Offenders

  1. “Biden Admin Policies Could Place Migrant Kids in Homes With Sex Offenders”

    …well, since all the Biden kids and grandkids grew up in the house of a sex offeding child rapist who contines to this very day, its not surprising that the child rapist in question doesn’t see a problem with that.

    See Ashley Biden’s diary, images of Pedo French kissing his granddaughter Finnegan on stage in Iowa, and too numerous to count images of Pedo fondling, sniffing, and otherwise inappropriately touching young children very inappropriately and very publicly for further details.

  2. Werenthey MIGRANTS this would bother me!
    But since they are CRIMONAL ALIENS I care not!

    MIGRANT:a person who moves from one place to another

    Liberals have always lied. These criminals are not migrants! 95% of those sent to any in march are still there. The 5% that left LEFT AT GUNPOINT!
    I’d link but links not allowed.

    proof for the millionth time Fox is liberal Bush Republican.

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