And Said Doing So Would Take ‘Some Coordination’ With Taliban.
The Biden administration quietly awarded $15 million in taxpayer funds to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to help distribute “oral contraceptives and condoms,” a non-public congressional funding notice reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon shows. In doing so, the administration acknowledged that “some coordination” with the Taliban would be “necessary for programmatic purposes.”
Just more money laundering, landing in the pockets of tyrants and assorted DemRat favorites.
So do they get a cut of the 15 mil?
Let me guess, was the condom company owner a Democrat donor?
“…meant to support “basic rights and freedoms” and empower “women and girls” living under Taliban rule…”
HaahHaaahHaahHaaaahHaaahHaaaahHaahHaahHaahHaaahHaaahHaahHaaahHaah!!HaahHaaah…HaahHaahHaah! Yeahh right.
Libs are either stupid or corrupt or both.
condoms that burn off your dick, maybe.
LOL Erik – plastic explosive condoms…
Well, it’s only OUR hard earned tax money. Just put it all in a C130 and let it fall out over every terrorist nation on the planet.
…can a Muslim get a goat pregnant?
…although that WOULD explain “Obama”…
Like muslim women are allowed to take oral contraceptives.
Off with his head!!!!!
Does a cut of that require a circumcision?
Do muzzies practice safe sex with their goats and sheep? Remember when you’re feeling randy towards your sheep and goats keep a rubber handy.
At the receiving end of EVERY ONE of these grifts is either a “connected” friend, connected company, or similar. Get government out of our pockets, turn off the printing presses, and the problems all end.