Biden admin tackles tough problem of McDonald’s ice cream machine repairs – IOTW Report

Biden admin tackles tough problem of McDonald’s ice cream machine repairs


The Biden administration has decided to focus its attention on addressing one of the biggest problems facing our country: broken McDonald’s ice cream machines.

For both loyal McDonald’s customers and social media users, it’s no secret that encountering an “out of order” ice cream machine has become a running joke and meme. It is not uncommon for customers to wait in the McDonald’s drive-thru for an ice cream cone, only to find that the location’s machine is broken.

This frustration stems largely from the fact that McDonald’s employs ice cream machines from a specific manufacturer that requires only their technicians to have authorization to perform repairs. Consequently, when a machine breaks down, locations are left grappling with long wait times as they are forced to be added to a lengthy repair queue.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have taken notice of this issue, recently penning a joint letter to the U.S. Copyright Office. In the letter, they advocate for commercial soft-serve machines to be exempt from existing right-to-repair laws that have allowed this process to remain in place.  more

24 Comments on Biden admin tackles tough problem of McDonald’s ice cream machine repairs

  1. God forbid that joey doesn’t get his daily ice cream and pudding fix. With all the other major problems in the world, joey has to make ice cream a # 1 priority. Puddin head bidumb needs to eat his ice cream real fast and get a brain freeze. How about chuggin a very large Big Gulp Slurpee and go for it, we triple dog dare you. And besides then you could make some more cracks about Indian or Paki owners of 7-11’s.

  2. In fairness to Joetato, it might be his personal top concern as he is oblivious to pretty much all else. Except little girls, or women in a pinch. Especially women NOT Dr. Jill Ratchet.

  3. I was at a McDonald’s the other day and at the next table the fat spic woman manager was interviewing a fat-slob spic man for a job.
    They spoke entirely in Español.

    That particular McDonald’s seemingly only hires two types of people:
    Fat, angry, entitled black women.
    Fat, belligerent, snotty White women.
    I suppose the fact that this fatso doesn’t speak English might make him worthy of being a McDonald’s man…

  4. Cmn¢¢guy
    SATURDAY, 23 MARCH 2024, 11:39 AT 11:39 AM
    101 House Repuglicans/RINOs voted for the $1.2 trillion funding package.
    Includes $2M+ for private security for members of congress:

    You can’t count on the loyalty of mercenaries, especially if they have weapons and you don’t. Gonna dawn on them sooner or later that stealing what you stole from you is easier than guarding you.

    “The old Master had come to a bad end. Bard had given him much gold for the help of the Lake-people, but being of the kind that easily catches such disease he fell under the dragon-sickness, and took most of the gold and fled with it, and died of starvation in the Waste, deserted by his companions.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Hobbit”

  5. Ya gotta be shittin me!
    Give the BATF&E a purview (for once) that doesn’t violate the Constitution.

    Oh, wait … Ice Cream isn’t in the enumerated powers of the FedGov, either.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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