Biden Admin: Ukraine Invasion Not ‘Imminent,’ Just ‘Imminent Enough’ – IOTW Report

Biden Admin: Ukraine Invasion Not ‘Imminent,’ Just ‘Imminent Enough’

Breitbart: The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden on Sunday described a predicted invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces as “imminent enough” after appearing to promise not to use the word “imminent,” as it clearly outraged officials in Kyiv.

Biden officials have repeatedly claimed for more than a month that a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine was “imminent,” prompting protests in the country from officials who complained that the reality on the ground on Ukraine’s eastern border did not match the rhetoric out of the White House and that the latter was tanking Ukraine’s economy – making an invasion more likely. read more

29 Comments on Biden Admin: Ukraine Invasion Not ‘Imminent,’ Just ‘Imminent Enough’

  1. The President of Ukraine says his country is in no particular danger and the US is fearmongering.

    I think it’s pretty clear that the real agenda here is to send in US troops to track down and destroy evidence of profiteering in Ukraine by high level US officials (some of whose name rhymes with “slidin'” and “pillory”.

  2. Imminent? Imminent enough? Maybe? Possibly?
    Russia already has invaded Ukraine – see Crimea / 2014
    Why would they not finish the job?

    Go ahead Anonymous. Tell me it was Trump’s fault that they did that under Obama’s administration 2 years before Trump was lawfully elected president

  3. Anonymous doesn’t even know the difference between your and you’re. That tells you how many brain cells are in that pudding between his ears. Don’t be mad that I assumed your gender, lefty.

  4. Image Biden’s Foreign Policy (BFP) visiting Chipotle:

    BFP: “We must be ever vigilant. It may be lunchtime, but anything can ha… my gosh! That man is choking!”

    Man: [looks around] “Who, me?”

    BFP: [runs toward man] “Help is on the way!”

    Man: “What are you talking about? I’m good.”

    BFP: “Remain calm, sir! I’m a professional!”

    Man: “And I’m not choking.”

    BFP: “I must work quickly! Death is imminent enough!” [wraps arms around man’s neck]

    Man: “Whoa, what are you doing? You’re not e—(hurk!) not even do—(hurk!) doing it right! (hurk!)”

    BFP: “Shh! You can thank me after I’ve saved your life! (sniff) Is that Old Spice?”

    Man: “Alright! That’s it!” [throws BFP on the table] “I came here to have a peaceful lunch, and YOU came along—“

    BFP: “Look, folks! He’s breathing! I did it!”

  5. “Wag the Dog”……

    Russia does some military drills on the border……PedoJoe46 has inflation and COVID1984 problems…..

    “Look squirrel…..Putin is gonna invade Ukraine”…..Ukraine president says “PedoJoe46 shut the hell up”……

    Putin doesn’t invade Ukraine and finished up his drills……The lying MSM is all giddy that bad ass tough PedoJoe46 saved all of US from Putin…..

    What a crock of shit……!!!!!! Russian Putin and Ukrainian Zelensky are both connected to wef’ers.

  6. We are in the best of hands with the fucking children running our country.


    Little Jakey Sullivan has more to worry about than Russia. Say what you will about Putin, but he must just be shaking his head in astonishment at what these children are saying and doing.

  7. This is Anonymous: 🤡
    This is Anonymous’s brain: 💩
    This is Anonymous’s brain on Liberalism: 🚽
    This is Anonymous using his brain: ☠
    This is where Anonymous ends up: 🔥

  8. The news is breaking that Russia said their military exercises are over and they are going home. The Dems are going to bill it as Biden being so tough he got the Russians to back down. They created a false crisis that they knew was going to end so that Biden could look like a hero. The only thing strong about Biden is the odor coming from his soiled pants.

  9. Biden trying to move attention away from his and the crackhead son/pretend artist Robert Hunter Biden’s underhanded Ukraine dealings. Anything uttered by Biden against the Ukrainians is his attempt to cover up and hide.


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