Biden Administration Bans Importation of Russian Guns and Ammo – IOTW Report

Biden Administration Bans Importation of Russian Guns and Ammo

U.S.A. –-(  On 20 August 2021, the U.S. Department of State released a fact sheet announcing Russian firearms and ammunition importation will be banned for a minimum of 12 months starting 7 September 2021. From

New sanctions imposed today under the CBW Act include:

  1. Restrictions on the permanent imports of certain Russian firearms. New and pending permit applications for the permanent importation of firearms and ammunition manufactured or located in Russia will be subject to a policy of denial.

The ban is listed as a sanction pursuant to the Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991, over the supposed Russian use of the “Novichok” chemical agent to poison Aleksey Navainy. MORE h/t CC

15 Comments on Biden Administration Bans Importation of Russian Guns and Ammo

  1. there goes all the ‘cheap’ Wolf & Tula ammo

    … less plinking time …. sigh

    same type of sh*t pulled by the Obama Regime (pt.1) by banning lead mining in the US

  2. Remington was pretty bad in the late 1990s. I have a late 1990s 700 that needed extensive work on the trigger and sear. So much work that I went too far on the sear and it would “fire” when I bounced the butt off the floor. I got a new sear and went slower the next time.

    It’s the best trigger, but not the best rifle I own. I have a LE MK4 with a 2 stage that shoots straighter. And I ruined that sear, and bought another, too.

    Oh, I’m talking about airsoft shit. I don’t own any real guns. Just toys.

  3. Kcir – Remington also effed up a large number of Marlin lever actions after they bought the company. Ruger bought Marlin, so hopefully they will bring respect back to the Marlin name.

  4. My ammosnob shooting buddy, 2019:
    “Are you really gonna run that steel shit in your rifle?”
    Me: “Yup”
    My ammosnob shooting buddy, 2021:
    “Sell me a few boxes of your steel shit?”
    Me: “Nope”

  5. @ Outdoorjohn
    You got that right! I acquired tons of 7.62×51 that was made in India back in the day when it was dirt cheap. Yeah, it’s lousy ammo but I knew that some day it would be valuable. I unloaded many thousands of rounds of it last year and made bank. The guys paying out the wazoo for it were the same guys who said they’d never shoot “that crap” in their guns. They were tickled to buy it and I was tickled to sell it to them.

  6. The Russian Nordstream2 pipeline was approved/accepted recently , but now this sanction on Russian guns and ammo over the poisoning of Navalny ? This has way more to do with punishing American firearm enthusiasts than punishing Russia .


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