Biden administration lost track of 85,000 migrant children – IOTW Report

Biden administration lost track of 85,000 migrant children

JTN: Four years after Democrats made political hay out of migrant children being separated from their parents at the border, Republicans have turned the tables on the issue amid evidence the Biden administration has lost track of as many as 85,000 minors it allowed to enter the country unaccompanied by parents, leaving many prey to cartel extortion, forced labor, abuse and trafficking.

The extraordinary political boomerang will be on full display Tuesday when Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Director Robin Dunn Marcos is grilled by a House Oversight subcommittee on the failure of the Department of Health and Human Services to vet, monitor and track unaccompanied migrant children, whose arrival at the border has grown more than 10-fold since Joe Biden took office.

“We have to do all we can to publicize this human rights tragedy going on in our southern border,” Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wisc.), the subcommittee chairman, told Just the News on Monday.

“We are not using DNA tests to even say who these children are or to make sure these children are going to relatives,” he added. “They are resettling them across the United States. Even the New York Times — there’s articles about a lot of them working probably against child labor laws. We believe a lot of these children are forced to send money back to the cartels.” MORE

9 Comments on Biden administration lost track of 85,000 migrant children

  1. How do you purposely lose track of 85,000 illegal migrant children? Something definitely stinks and it all begins with joey and the democraps attempts to bring in as many illegals as possible in order to further their power and control over the country. FJB, RINO’s, democraps and progtards in general and everyone who believes that joey is a legitimately elected presidunce.

  2. They’re not lost, they were sold to their political supporters for indentured servitude.
    They won’t admit human trafficking, so they call them lost.
    They can track their Obama phone until the cartel/coyotes are paid.
    Might be building your new Hyundai or Kia.
    85,000, just the ones that survived.

  3. Um no. They have been sold into sex trafficking. It is big business in Washington State and more likely than not the elected and appointed officials in every progressive shithole in the nation are getting a cut from the cartels that operate with impunity in their “homeless camps” that are nothing more than transparent fronts for Drug Trafficking and Sex Trafficking Strip Malls.

    They know full well where these children are, one thing for sure and for certain The Big Guy is getting his 10%


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