Biden Administration Sends Notices to Appear to Tens of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Inside US – IOTW Report

Biden Administration Sends Notices to Appear to Tens of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Inside US

NTD: President Joe Biden’s administration is sending notices to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who were released into the U.S. interior without being given a date to appear in court, the government confirmed to The Epoch Times.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “is mailing charging documents to place noncitizens in removal proceedings who have been paroled or released under prosecutorial discretion by Customs and Border Protection,” an ICE spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email.

The illegal immigrants, numbering about 78,000, will receive packets of documents, including ones directing them to report to the ICE office closest to where they’re living, and that they will be processed for possible deportation. Agents will log biometric information, take photographs, and inform the immigrants of future check-in requirements and court dates. more

16 Comments on Biden Administration Sends Notices to Appear to Tens of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Inside US

  1. He just wants to make sure they have the correct address, when they start handing out money for mental
    anguish for not being treated like welcomed guests when they snuck into our country.

  2. Pay attention. Think of the mayhem this will create. All these illegals panicking.
    They are setting us up for a complete chaotic meltdown of global proportions within the next year.
    Be prepared.

  3. Yeah, good luck with that. Maybe you shouldn’t have let their illegal asses in in the the first place, then you wouldn’t have to be trying to track them down. Ever consider that?

  4. Here is why I hate the government, including all Republicans, past and present. The easiest way to stop illegals is you don’t allow them to go to school, have jobs, own or rent homes(but hell our government is so stupid they’re allowing the Chinese and others to buy up thousands of acres of land), receive any sort of government handouts. You throw business owners and CEOs in jail if they hire them, throw Superintendents in jail if they allow them in public schools, throw landlords in jail if they rent to them.

    If you passed this law tomorrow and started enforcing it they would hightail it back to their country in no time.

  5. Much of Brandiden’s ‘handiwork’ is motivated by his malignant narcissism, spite, jealousy, and vicious vindictiveness against the Realreal potus Trump and those on the ‘right’ side of things, particularly since the confirmed and verified pedo Brandiden hates the fact he’s widely detested.

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