Biden administration’s green energy ‘slush fund’ comes under fire – IOTW Report

Biden administration’s green energy ‘slush fund’ comes under fire


U.S. House Republicans are raising concerns about a new federal green energy “slush fund.”

The Inflation Reduction Act included $27 billion for the EPA to dole out via competitive grants for clean energy investments in low-income communities by September 2024. Watchdogs and lawmakers say that deadline for the money to be spent by next year could lead to significant waste and abuse.

“With billions of dollars on the line, an unusually accelerated timeline for disbursement, and a new and complex funding structure, this program warrants close scrutiny and rigorous oversight,” House Republicans said in a letter sent to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan this week.

Historically, when federal agencies spend large sums of money on a deadline, later watchdog investigations have revealed questionable use of those funds. Recent reviews of COVID-era relief funds, for example, showed that billions of dollars went to purposes later derided by lawmakers. more

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