Biden Admin’s Greatest Foe? MOM & DAD – IOTW Report

Biden Admin’s Greatest Foe? MOM & DAD

Daily Signal-

The Biden administration is making clear once again whom it fears the most. It is not ChinaRussia, or, needless to say, Republicans. No.

Enemy No. 1 is America’s mothers and fathers. They stand athwart the administration’s mad dash to remake America, yelling, “Stop!”

This much can be gleaned from recent events. First is last week’s announcement that Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, was appointed to a Department of Homeland Security school advisory board. That board will, among other things, make recommendations on “safety and security” measures.

Outraged parents groups and members of Congress rightly pointed out that this was akin to putting a rabid fox in charge of watching the hatching incubator.

Weingarten particularly is blamed by parents for keeping schools closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, a policy that later was amply shown to have been ineffective and deleterious to children. more here

10 Comments on Biden Admin’s Greatest Foe? MOM & DAD

  1. I guess it was wishful thinking on my part to think that a piece written about that vile contemptible wildebeest would not have her ugly mug staring me in the face.

    I know the author would like to think that this issue transcends politics, that some issues ALL parents can rally behind, but alas, that is not where we are as a society. Many (most?) parents in red states vociferously support the radical liberal agenda. Many California parents think it is brave of Newsom to declare us a sanctuary state for gender-affirming care. They want pride events in our schools. They want the kids taught CRT, equity, and the racism endemic in our white-based institutions. They view MAGA as the greatest threat to democracy, defining it that monstrosity if nazism and white supremacy had sex.

    We can’t ignore it, the libs view child-rearing differently, they have different objectives which violently clash with ours. Common ground is a chimera, a fantasm. You can’t fight the enemy unless you know the enemy.

  2. How do you hate America as much as Jackass Joe does???
    All we are left to assume is that he must have grown up in the same fucked up type of family perversion that he gave his own kids! Anything THIS bad must be extreme and generational!

  3. The far right doesn’t like her? Dang she must be good. I thought the “hill” folk don’t believe in book learnin. To busy teaching your kids guns,hate & fear.

  4. What about us normal baby boomer grandparents who raised our kids right and now are trying to do the same for our grandkids? Are we guilty as well, if so the left can go to Hell. I have 5 grandkids, 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson who is the youngest at almost 2 years old. I’ll fight just as hard or harder for them to remain free just like I did with my kids. Three of them are at my house right now while my son runs some errands.

  5. Brad
    Ireland has devolved into an unrecognizable shit hole since i was last there mid 70,s
    And i can say that since i was born and bred there,early fifties that was my home.

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