Biden Admits He “Probably” Can’t Win Over Anyone From Trump’s Base – IOTW Report

Biden Admits He “Probably” Can’t Win Over Anyone From Trump’s Base

Earl of Taint

Well, at least he’s self-aware.

Just last month, 2016 presidential election silver medalist Hillary Clinton told CNN that Biden was “building the kind of coalition that I had, basically” – which is one way of saying “a losing one.” MORE

14 Comments on Biden Admits He “Probably” Can’t Win Over Anyone From Trump’s Base

  1. I was about to snark up a YA THINK!?!? but then remembered that he doesn’t.

    The only conceivable way I’d vote for Joey is if, on his deathbed, he picked Devin Nunes, John Kennedy, or Matt Gaetz as his running mate. And even then, NO ████ING WAY.

  2. Think I’m gonna print me up a shirt that says, “ALL MEXICANS ARE RAPISTS” and on the back “ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD.” with “DEPLORABLE” down each sleeve.

  3. At first, it was entertaining to watch Joe put on the dementia spoofs, but I tellya, this last episode was clearly cruel for Anderson Cooper and Dr. Gupta to parade a senile man onto CNN, and show the world what Alzheimer’s looks like. They should be ashamed of themselves to use Senile Joe to gain viewership. I really felt sorry for Joe, thats saying a lot for me who despises Democrats.

  4. c’mon Maaaaan, the only way Biden wins is w/ voter fraud … remember Broward County, Fla in the 2000 election … 537 votes was all that separated Bush II from Gore, after all the hanging chads settled … they were that close to stealing the election

    Biden hasn’t got Klinton’s base or her cache’ as ‘wymyn’ (not to mention her trail of bodies that’ll threaten any opponent … except Trump). he’s a demented groping (raping) old pedophile, no charisma, no mental acuity, no stamina (especially bad for a old person to be locked away in the basement; it severely damages the mental & physical well-being, especially one w/ advancing dementia)

    the only thing anyone looks forward to w/ an appearance by Slow Joe is to witness what looney tune is going to vomit forth from his mouth … Corn Pop? hairy legs? little kids loving to sit on his lap? what country is he in? is he wearing pants?

    there’s going to be absolutely no enthusiasm for him … & he, most likely, will not finish out his term … hell, he probably wouldn’t make it to the Inauguration. his vp will take over … & no one is going any enthusiasm to vote for any of the current nut-jobs in the D’rat ranks … they didn’t in the primaries!.

    other than ‘Orange Man Bad!’ they have nothing … droves of D’rats will stay home

    … all they have is fraud

    btw, mail-in ballots are handled by the Post Office … anybody trust the Post Office? just getting a birthday card to my mom is an adventure. they’re the most inept organization in the Fed gov’t … & that’s saying a lot

  5. Please stop with the deep thinking and thoughtful analysis of the possibility of Dementia Joe Obiden Bama persuading some of President Trump’s supporters to vote for him. He would have to be able to sway people with cognitive abilities, or functioning cerebral cortexes, away from someone he cannot even debate. He can shore up his largest group of devotees by selecting a colored woman, but how is he going to satisfy all those needy Socialists?

  6. Crazy Uncle Joe isn’t going to remember his name by November. He’s struggling remembering he’s running for President. Right now, he still thinks he’s a Senator.


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