Biden Advisor Snaps When MSNBC Calls Out ‘Overpriced’ Healthcare Funding in Relief Bill – IOTW Report

Biden Advisor Snaps When MSNBC Calls Out ‘Overpriced’ Healthcare Funding in Relief Bill

Neon Nettle:

A top Biden advisor didn’t take too well to tough questions from MSNBC regarding the healthcare provision in the stimulus bill passed by Democrats.

MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan challenged him on “inefficient, overpriced” healthcare provision.

Hasan pressed Cedric Richmond on why they provided $35 billion to support COBRA health care benefits for 2 million unemployed people, rather than paying for a universal healthcare system.

“How is that a good use of that money?” asked Hasan.

“$35 billion subsidizing insurance companies for six months, wouldn’t that money be better invested towards building universal healthcare in this country?” MORE

6 Comments on Biden Advisor Snaps When MSNBC Calls Out ‘Overpriced’ Healthcare Funding in Relief Bill

  1. That “tough question” was, in essence, “Why are you letting this crisis go to waste instead of pushing farther left and firing up a socialized medicine bureaucracy? We could be on our way to ‘universal healthcare’ and/or ‘Medicare for all’.”

  2. “…they need a bridge so that they stay with insurance…”

    Democrats love selling us bridges, don’t they? Or is it the Insurance companies. So sick of buying bridges. Maybe John Roberts can tell us it’s a tunnel, not a bridge.


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