Biden Again Jokes About Unwanted Touching: ‘She Pulled Me Close!’ – IOTW Report

Biden Again Jokes About Unwanted Touching: ‘She Pulled Me Close!’

Breitbart: Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday once again joked about his habit of inappropriate physical contact in what is the latest gaffe to plague his 2020 presidential campaign.

Biden drew applause at a town hall event in Berlin, New Hampshire, after offering a chair to a woman who was sitting on the floor. While helping the woman up off the ground, she whispered something in the presidential candidate’s ear.

“We have a little secret going on here,” Biden told attendees as the exchange ended.

“I want the press to know — she pulled me close!” he then quipped, prompting laughter from the crowd.

10 Comments on Biden Again Jokes About Unwanted Touching: ‘She Pulled Me Close!’

  1. I really hope the Demonrats nominate this buffoon. The entertainment value of watching the MSM trying shove the toothpaste back into the tube while he continues to make gaffs will be a hoot. The history of corruption will be icing on the cake.

    Biden will be the new Mondale sans integrity.

  2. Just think of Trent Reznor, in 1999, saying that a baby born that year. Will become an instantly famous (off the rails) rapper using a Nine Inch Nails riff he will produce 9 years later, with the help of the Achy Breaky Heart dude.

    The song is mixed, remixed and rewritten 1000’s of times. Hillarious parodies and one includes Old Gropey Joe Biden.

    There’s so much symbolism in this manufactured “meme,” I think the internet has already won 2019.

  3. I think it must be my last facelift that did the trick because that woman’s paws were all over me. I didn’t mind though and told her the next time Jill was away that I’d take her skinny dipping.

  4. Biden is going to go down in flames. His polling is already going south and the media is doing everything to minimize his campaigns plagiarism, his ties to Russia, the groping, the fact no one shows up to see him and he is a walking gaffe prone buffoon. They think he is the only hope at this point to attract centrists. Better look elsewhere.


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