Biden Aides Find Another Batch of Classified Documents At Separate Location – IOTW Report

Biden Aides Find Another Batch of Classified Documents At Separate Location


Joe Biden’s aides found at least one more batch of classified documents at another location.

The first batch of classified documents were found at Penn Biden Center.

It is unclear when or where the second batch was discovered by Biden’s aides.

NBC News reported:

Aides to President Joe Biden have discovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in a location separate from the Washington office he used after leaving the Obama administration, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Since November, after the discovery of documents with classified markings in his former office, Biden aides have been searching for any additional classified materials that might be in other locations he used, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details about the ongoing inquiry.

The classification level, number and precise location of the additional documents was not immediately clear. It also was not immediately clear when the additional documents were discovered and if the search for any other classified materials Biden may have from the Obama administration is complete.

Biden aides have been sifting through documents stored at locations beyond his former Washington office to determine if there are any other classified documents that need to be turned over to the National Archives and reviewed by the Justice Department, the person familiar with the matter said.


13 Comments on Biden Aides Find Another Batch of Classified Documents At Separate Location

  1. Meh.

    Its not like China doesn’t automatically get a copy of every CURRENT ‘secret’ document we have NOW, so other that depicting yet another crime Democrats won’t be held responsible for, it doesn’t really change anything.

    The Democrats are the enemies of this country, and the Democrats have stolen control of this country.

    It is therefore a simple truth that the enemies of this country have full access at all times to its most classified information.

  2. are the ‘aides’ members of biden’s presidential staff, or are they private employees that work for biden. Or someone else?
    they keep saying ‘a small number.’ My understanding of this is that, as VP, he had no authorization to be in possession of any classified documents. None.
    and what is in the ‘sealed’ documents he has squirreled away at the university of delaware? Tara Reid would like to know that.
    he’s corrupt and we’re about to get a large dose of malarkey

  3. Another, among many, scammer to watch out for besides Biden and who takes advantage of decent Americans is the site armynavydotcom/ruggedgear. These fraudsters sell “US military-type” clothing while having the garbage made in China (with CCP label) then attach an American flag to the peddled trash. Neighbor guy showed me the bs article of clothing. Suggest he file a report with the FTC and Consumer Affairs.

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