Biden aides ‘tapped out’, officials head for revolving door in major White House shake up: ‘It doesn’t look good’ – IOTW Report

Biden aides ‘tapped out’, officials head for revolving door in major White House shake up: ‘It doesn’t look good’

BPR: It seems like everyone is heading for the revolving door at the White House these days, with a number of top officials elbowing each other on the way out as President Joe Biden’s approval rating tanks and midterm elections loom.

Although some White House turnover is to be expected 18 months into a term, a stampede is not. The rush for the exits comes at a very critical moment for Democrats as it is widely expected they are going to get thrashed during the midterm elections, possibly costing them both the Senate and the House.

“Given the complex challenges that the administration is facing, these departures are coming at an inopportune time,” Democratic strategist Joel Payne lamented.

“It’s been a long few years,” an anonymous senior administration official said according to The Hill. “The burnout is real. It might not be the ideal time to leave with everything going on, but it’s the right time.” The White House official also claimed. more

12 Comments on Biden aides ‘tapped out’, officials head for revolving door in major White House shake up: ‘It doesn’t look good’

  1. w/ the latest musings from Biden’s daughter’s diary …

    & crack-head hunter’s latest laptop discoveries …

    someone would think these, oh so coincidental, ‘discoveries’ were deliberately planted to get Pedo-in-Chief off the stage

    … ’cause it sure ain’t helping the d’rats in the mid-terms

    on another note … looks like we have another l/6 insurrection

  2. Glaring fact is that NO ONE, not even democrats, wants to be associated with any impostor-selected false “president” who has strong ties to the Ku Klux Klan and is diary-exposed as a child molester, as seen with Joe Biden. A very bad image-maker for anyone with at least half a brain.

  3. “The burnout is real. It might not be the ideal time to leave with everything going on, but it’s the right time.” The White House official also claimed.”

    Quit whining. You entered into the most prestigious position to be in. Now that it isn’t going to help you on your resume, and you now know it’s going to hurt your career down the road, you get to go down in the history books as being a part of the worse pResident to occupy the WH in history. I hear WALMart and McDonald’s is looking for your skills.

  4. Biden aides are heading for the exits. But is anyone asking where they’re going once they’ve left?

    What looks like a retreat could very well be repositioning for an ambush. Watch for the feint. Remember that evil can never be dead enough.


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