Biden Alive According to Campaign – Scratchy Voice Recording but No Pictures Released – IOTW Report

Biden Alive According to Campaign – Scratchy Voice Recording but No Pictures Released

According to Chief Campaign Correspondent Nikki Schwab of the U.K.’s Daily Mail, Biden did manage to break his silence, somewhat quelling doubts about his well-being via a call to Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign headquarters.


Watch: Did Harris Call Biden or Play a Recording? She Might Have Made a Brutal Slip-Up.

8 Comments on Biden Alive According to Campaign – Scratchy Voice Recording but No Pictures Released

  1. Since when could he climb the big stairs? He has taken the short stairs for 6 months and now he can do the bigger ones? after being sick? I hate this, but they are so lying so much you don’t know what they are hiding or telling the truth about.

    Saving Grace… Christ is King!

  2. Nothing, absolutely nothing that has come out since Vegas is remotely persuasive of being real and in real time. These …people… are rotten, stinking liars. They always have been rotten, stinking liars. They always WILL BE rotten, stinking liars, especially from the grave, they’ll tell the rotten, stinking lie that they’re registered to vote in nine states.

  3. If Kamala Harris follows Biden to the presidency, it will be the first time in US History there were whores back to back as Presidents.
    Well you could add Jill to that whore count, she’s made more presidential decisions than Joe the last 8 months.

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