Biden Almost Fell Down Air Force One Stairs – IOTW Report

Biden Almost Fell Down Air Force One Stairs

BREAKING: Biden Almost Falls Down Air Force One Stairs Shortly After Report Reveals Secret Mission to Prevent Old Joe From Falling! (VIDEO)

16 Comments on Biden Almost Fell Down Air Force One Stairs

  1. Nowhere in the article does it mention the fact that Biden has been relegated to the “short stairs”, like the short bus, because it was too risky for him to navigate the adult stairs like everyone else. The short stairs in the back of the plane.

  2. “Biden’s balance difficulties are likely the result of what his physician has diagnosed as “a combination of significant spinal arthritis” and “mild post-fracture foot arthritis.”
    …or, in an ancient reprobate pedophile pervert like him, more likey neurosyphilis. Read the symptoms…

    Neurosyphilis is a bacterial infection of the brain or spinal cord. It usually occurs in people who have had untreated syphilis for many years.

    Neurosyphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum bacteria. Neurosyphilis usually occurs about 10 to 20 years after a person is first infected with syphilis. Not everyone who has syphilis develops this complication.

    There are four different forms of neurosyphilis:

    Asymptomatic (most common form)
    General paresis
    Tabes dorsalis

    Asymptomatic neurosyphilis occurs before symptomatic syphilis. Asymptomatic means there aren’t any symptoms.


    Symptoms usually affect the nervous system. Depending on the form of neurosyphilis, symptoms may include any of the following:

    Abnormal walk (gait), or unable to walk
    Numbness in the toes, feet, or legs
    Problems with thinking, such as confusion or poor concentration
    Mental problems, such as depression or irritability
    Headache, seizures, or stiff neck
    Loss of bladder control (incontinence)
    Tremors, or weakness
    Visual problems, even blindness”

    …i.e. Pedo Joe in a nutshell.

  3. No mercy TUESDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2023, 19:21 AT 7:21 PM
    “They should get the fool a scissor lift that can simply be lowered. I don’t wanna pay for his medical costs any more than I already do.”

    …or, toss him out at 10,000 feet.



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