Biden and son could be forced to testify in Trump impeachment trial – IOTW Report

Biden and son could be forced to testify in Trump impeachment trial

WaTimes: Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden and his son Hunter could be forced to testify if the Senate ends up holding an impeachment trial of President Trump, say congressional aides who questioned whether Democrats have thought through the full implications of their impeachment drive.

Not only could Mr. Biden be forced to be in D.C. at a critical moment in the presidential campaign, but so could many of his chief rivals — the half-dozen senators also vying for Democrats’ presidential nomination, impeachment experts said.

For that matter, if the House chooses to impeach Mr. Trump on charges stemming from the special counsel’s Russia investigation, aides said it could open the door to witnesses such as fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok or even major figures from the Obama administration.

Mr. Trump could even be present for the entire spectacle. Experts said the Senate would have a hard time refusing him if he demanded to confront the witnesses against him.

“I don’t think the Dems have thought this through at all,” one staffer told The Washington Times. read more

14 Comments on Biden and son could be forced to testify in Trump impeachment trial

  1. This is complete and utter bullsh*t! Why come at this sideways through an impeachment trial when there is a legal path that should be followed and the FBI/DoJ have not only the means but the OBLIGATION to pursue? This is horsesh*t! What the hell?!


  2. Democrats have never had to think about how their shit will play out in the long run before. They have no experience with this new paradigm. Their media buddies are obsolete and of no help any more, they just don’t know it yet.

  3. @Joe 6 — And while I’m on the subject of the Congress doing EVERYTHING obliquely….

    Could there ever be a more honest assessment of how phony our “Rule of Law” is? There’s no rule of law anymore. Do the crime, end up in front of those jackasses in Congress in one of their closed door “hearings”, let the NY Times tell everyone how it’s the Republican’s (Trump’s) fault and fly home at taxpayers’ expense to your $1.5M dollar home with a moat around it and tell your constituents how amoral it is to be a billionaire in America.

    Miss a quarterly tax payment and the IRS seizes your assets and puts you in jail.

  4. AA, “Rule of Law? Rule of Law? We don’t need no stinking Rule of Law.” I got it second hand that is a direct quote Adam Schitt. Now I need to find my whistleblower paperwork.

  5. If the Democrats end up dropping this impeachment stuff it will cost them, so they won’t do that.

    But if they actually impeach him and have the Senate exonerate him before the election it will cost them even more.

    So, at least at this point and IMO only, I expect them to drag this out as long as they can without acting then -if they want to do an impeachment- do it just before the elections when there is not enough time for the Senate to act and use it as an election issue. with him running while still under impeachment instead of already having been exonerated of all the Democrats charges.

    Maybe I’m wrong, it’s just guesswork on my part.


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