Biden Announces ControlaVirus Travel Ban Against South Africa, UK, Ireland and Most of Europe – IOTW Report

Biden Announces ControlaVirus Travel Ban Against South Africa, UK, Ireland and Most of Europe

In other words, Biden is RACIST. Because that’s what travel bans are. Racist. Remember???

18 Comments on Biden Announces ControlaVirus Travel Ban Against South Africa, UK, Ireland and Most of Europe

  1. He’s banning “white” countries, our previously sanctified “allies” that Trump spat on by making them pay their fair share for NATO, and lifting travel bans on Muzzloids and erasing our borders to invading socialist hordes from the south.

    If he were a Manchurian candidate out to destroy the country, what would he be doing differently?

  2. “Who’s in charge of Bidens puppet strings this hour??”

    Probably Biden himself, underestimating him and his abilities, mocking him instead of taking him seriously, is why he is the President today.

    The Left made that mistake with Trump, but they learned from their mistake and corrected their attitude for the next election and won.

    The Left learns, the Right doesn’t seem to know how. That’s why the Left will continue winning and the Right will continue losing.

  3. The only rational conclusion one can draw is that the administration installed on Jan 20th wants the country to be completely controlled by rabidly angry minorities.

  4. “… mocking him instead of taking him seriously, is why he is the President today.”

    Sorry. That’s pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT.

    Biden is pretending to be presidunce because of a coup by a cabal of filthy traitors who stole an election under the very noses (or with the acquiescence) of those who were supposed to be ensuring electoral fidelity.

    You cannot underestimate a well-known, thieving, lying, hypocritical corrupt-o-crat of some half-century’s duration.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. ” … the administration installed on Jan 20th wants the country to be completely controlled by rabidly angry minorities.”

    Or that the Administration, the powers behind it, are using rabidly angry minorities as a tool to control the country.

    Like using a pit bull to protect your property even if you don’t really like pit bulls but find them effective at doing what you need done anyway.

  6. “Sorry. That’s pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT.”

    Really? We mocked him as being a senile old man that couldn’t even draw a crowd, hid in his basement, and had no chance of winning.

    But he is now President.

    Ever thought about studying the Art of War and applying it to politics? That’s what I’ve done for years and why I had money on Biden winning even if I voted for Trump for a second time.

    Your attitude, one held by most on the right, is why we lost and why we will continue to lose if we don’t wise up and change it.

    Never underestimate an enemy, that’s how you lose.

  7. Anonymous,
    Biden didn’t win an election.
    No one underestimated him – in fact, no one estimates him.
    He’s a cypher – an empty suit – a puppet.
    You don’t need finesse to lie, cheat, steal, and bull your way – mostly you need audacity and an apathetic public.

    izlamo delenda est …

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