Biden approval at 39% as half of Democrat voters say different candidate should be nominated: poll – IOTW Report

Biden approval at 39% as half of Democrat voters say different candidate should be nominated: poll

JTN; President Joe Biden’s favorability rating remains low while half of Democratic primary voters say their party should nominate someone else as the 2024 presidential candidate, according to a poll released Tuesday.

Even though nearly two-thirds of Democratic primary voters, 64%, say they plan on voting for Biden, 50% said the party should nominate a different person for the 2024 presidential election, according to a New York Times/Siena College Poll.

Just 45% of Democratic voters said the 80-year-old commander-in-chief should be renominated. This is up from July 2022, when just 26% of voters said Biden should be renominated.

Additionally, Biden’s disapproval rating, which is up from last year, still remains higher than his approval rating. While 39% of registered voters approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, 54% disapprove. In July 2022, the Times/Siena poll found his approval rating was at 33% while 60% disapproved.  more here

22 Comments on Biden approval at 39% as half of Democrat voters say different candidate should be nominated: poll

  1. Just 45% of Democratic voters said the 80-year-old commander-in-chief should be renominated. This is up from July 2022, when just 26% of voters said Biden should be renominated.

    Just what in the holy hell has this flaming turncoat jackass done to deserve this bump???

  2. Democrats are the lowest form of life on earth. They are so worthless they would keep voting for that piece of shit, joetato. Fuck all of you liberals! ESAD!

  3. As a republican voter I don’t have to think, because I give all my extra money to Donny to think for me. With his 6th grade education he has plenty of brain power for the whole party.

  4. Numbers = Biden
    Lies, damn lies, and imposter-in-thief 81 million votes?

    Not my president and I ain’t proud of serving my country if he’s part of the result of that service.

  5. As Trump falls from grace I will always remember your backup plan,0,zilch,nada, there is none.
    Why, because he only wants to keep his ass out of the long arm of the law. You honestly think he gives 2 shits about you? Watch & learn, for you are way to weak to ever learn, note you want insurrection #2 you will die.

  6. Hey Truckbuddy, my IQ does not matter! The ONLY thing that matters is Donald Jackass Truck losing another bid &/or better yet going to prison. But of course there is always a snipers bullet righty mofo!

  7. Approval rating as false as the election, Biden numbers lower than 39%. Mob mentality moron Anon has to call the mob to upvote. this and more at 11. 🤣

    One thing you hive mind simpletons can’t get past your low functioning brains is that free thinkers aren’t influenced by your diatribes, yet you continue to piss into the wind. You can’t even form a cogent sentence!

    Laughable. 🤣🤣🤣

  8. was giving out vegetables from my son’s garden to the older folks in my neighborhood today (he’s on vacation) …. one woman, 80 years old & a dyed in the wool D’rat all her life started complaining about the price of food & gas …. I just said “yeah, ain’t Bidenomics great? … you voting for him again?” “Hell no!”, she replied …. I’m holding my nose & voting for Trump! I don’t like him personally, but at least he didn’t screw up the country in 2 1/2 years!”

    I about fell on the ground trying to suppress my laughter


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