Biden approval ratings down in six critical swing states: poll – IOTW Report

Biden approval ratings down in six critical swing states: poll

This article is from the 8th. Want to guess what it is now?

NYP: More Americans in six critical swing states disapprove of the job President Biden is doing than approve as the administration tries to recover from the bungled military pullout in Afghanistan and a resurgence of COVID cases across the country, according to a new poll. 

The president’s approval ratings in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas ​lag behind his disapproval ratings by 10 points or more, a Civiqs survey shows. ​

In the 2020 presidential election, Biden won three of the states by narrow margins — Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania — ​and former President Donald Trump won the other three by slightly higher margins. 

Texas, which Trump won by more than 5 percentage points, has the largest gap in Biden’s ratings at 26 percent. 

​​Fifty-nine percent of Lone Star State ​residents disapprove of Biden and only 33 percent approve. ​

The next-highest gap of the six states is Georgia with 15 percent — 38 percent approve and 53 percent disapprove.​ read more

14 Comments on Biden approval ratings down in six critical swing states: poll

  1. Don’t anyone hang their hats on NYP;s articles and claims since that media has a long rep of playing both sides against the middle. Their constant harangues about supporting big pharma and submitting to unconstitutional vaccines is just one example.

  2. Like he give a shit, or his puppetmasters. This election was stolen for one purpose only. Do as much damage to this once great country as possible. So far everything according to plan.

  3. Popularity don’t mean nuttin anymore.

    I still think Trump was the best and brightest to grace the oval office in many years and look what the media and tech giants did to him (what Hunter Biden laptop?).

  4. Doesn’t matter. The Fundamental Destruction is proceeding according to plan. Trump’s four years were just an excuse to quicken the pace. There are more traitors in the Dementiacrat Party than patriots. The military is riddled with incompetent officers. The MSDM is already moving on from the Afghanistan Catastrophe. In a few years Obiden Bama will be replaced with a new Jamindian, untainted by this incompetent imbecile’s mistakes, and Kalamity will turn this country into California.

  5. Biden will never recover because he was down before he could get up and has stayed down. I don’t see crowds in the street demanding he resign or be impeached. Nope, maybe he’s getting sympathy for having dementia. He’s being paraded out there for shits and giggles. Whoever his handlers are should be arrested for elder abuse.

  6. When you OWN the companies that make the voting machines, when you can FORCE EVERYONE to “vote by mail” so you can cheat on a scale NEVER BEFORE SEEN you don’t NEED to worry about your “approval rating”.

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