Biden at Dem Debate: Eliminate Coal, Fracking, Fossil Fuels – IOTW Report

Biden at Dem Debate: Eliminate Coal, Fracking, Fossil Fuels


DETROIT, Michigan — Former vice preisdent Joe Biden declared at the second Democrat debate in Detroit on Wednesday evening that he would fight climate change by eliminating coal, fossil fuels, and fracking.

Biden was responding to criticism from Governor Jay Inslee of Washington state, who said — echoing earlier criticism of Biden by “Green New Deal” author Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — that the former vice president was only proposing “middle ground solutions” to an urgent crisis.

CNN moderator Dana Bash then asked Biden to clarify where he stood on fossil fuels, and the following exchange ensued:

Dana Bash: thank you, vice president. just to clarify, would there be any place for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a biden administration?

Joe Biden: No. We would work it out. We would make sure it’s eliminated, and no more subsidies for either one of those, any fossil fuel.


14 Comments on Biden at Dem Debate: Eliminate Coal, Fracking, Fossil Fuels

  1. Come down here to the offshore oil convention
    in Houston and spout that S*** you creepy
    miserable F***.Millions & Millions in export
    money and Thousands of decent paying jobs that
    support AMERICAN families.What a turd.Hard working
    men going 24/7/365 100 miles offshore on a steel
    platform labor so people in Delaware and ALL over have
    clean abundant natural gas to heat their homes in the
    cold winter,so their children don’t frickin’ freeze.
    You evil dumb bastard!

  2. While all the celebrities and so-called “elite” are converging on Italy this week in their super yachts and private jets so they can come up with ways to lecture us plebes on global warming and lowering our “carbon footprint.” Bunch of retarded hypocrites.

    Isn’t this like shouting fire in a crowded theater? Trying to frighten naive/dumb people into voting for a demoncrap just because dems pretend to believe in globull warming so they can rob you of even more of the money you work hard for in order to enslave you in their world domination scheme?

  3. Watching most of the clown show last night, I was stuck with the absurdity of the statements most of the front runners were saying. It was like a contest to see who could say and promise the most obviously ridiculous proposal. They – not one of them – believe what they are saying. Not one of them will give up their conveniences, nor will they ever, EVER, go as far as making them happen.

    They will, however, try to make US feel the pain of dancing to the music only they hear in their heads.

    They must be eradicated from any influence in this country.


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