Biden Attempts to Speak Complete Sentences With Mixed Results – IOTW Report

Biden Attempts to Speak Complete Sentences With Mixed Results

Dan Bongino:

Joe Biden finally emerged from his basement once again today, to, among other things, blame President Donald Trump for the riots occurring across the country. How President Trump is responsible for riots being carried out by people who hate him remains a mystery, but it appears that Democrats realized that these riots were damaging them in the polls so they finally began pretending to care about the destruction.

Is Biden in a bird cage?

It wouldn’t have been a Biden event without a notable and quotable gaffe, and he provided one for us.

Attempting to slam President Trump’s coronavirus response, Biden said “Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years, look, here’s, the lives, it’s just, when you think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years.”

Shakespeare couldn’t have worded it better. Watch

27 Comments on Biden Attempts to Speak Complete Sentences With Mixed Results

  1. With Trump as President we know who the real President is, it’s Trump himself.

    But if Biden becomes President who will the real President be?

    Whomever or whatever that president would be, it won’t be Biden and removing Biden would not remove the real President and nothing would change with him gone.

    I imagine that’s the reason Biden was made the candidate, so if he wins the real President couldn’t be removed if Biden was and would continue in the role as an untouchable authority.

  2. There’s a new doctored video out, by “Trump Insiders”, claiming that Trump has suffered a “series of mini-strokes”. This can only mean one of two things: Biden has suffered a series of mini-strokes, or Biden has just been himself very publicly.

  3. If you notice – there are those times where he does speak somewhat coherently or reads the teleprompter properly. Not very often, though. My suspicions are they’ve got him on some sort of medication for senility or Alzheimer’s or something (those drugs are out there) but they can’t use them all the time. Scary shit!!! :^0

  4. I’m still stumped that the dems proceeded with him. It’s like watching 2 trains racing at each other and knowing what’s going to happen.

    Everyone, including them, knew this. Did they expect it could be covered up? That there will be no negatives when/if Biden opts out of the debates? That they could go 3 months without having him appear on 1 Sunday show? Or have 1 serious interview?

    The coleslaw he was speaking in this speech is terrible. A commenter quoted it at a particularly bad spot but you need to hear it too.

    And the venue looks all impressive when you’re looking at the dais but pull back and you see this

    I still don’t get it. Had they let Bernie take it, yeah it would have probably been a defeat but Bernie can string sentences together and has energy. Lots of his supporters are going to sit this one out according to some comments at CommonDreams.

  5. …the plan now is to throw as much sand as possible into the electoral machinery, to either work the steal in which case the media will say its 100% accurate, error free, and corruption free, or worst case make it so chaotic they can claim voter supression and count and recount and count some more until January 20th passes when the Constition says Trump and Pence are no longer in office, and Nancy Pelosi will be our president “just until we can sort this out”. President Pelosi will, of course, see that the vote is either completely invalidated and call for new elections in a year or two, or see to it her pet is elected.

    Either way, we get a Democrat for president.

    …again, the Second Amendment was put there by men who KNEW tyranny WOULD rise again. That’s what THIS meant;

    “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
    -The Declaration of Independence

    …the line, “When in the Course of human events” is a recognition that the affairs of humans ALWAYS result in the rise of tyrants, it’s just baked into us to have someone ELSE do all the deciding for us, and the Framers KNEW it would come about again…and again…and again…

    …that’s WHY the Second Amendment. They ALSO knew the ONLY way of of that tyranny is to SHOOT your way out.

    …so the Second Amendment is the bulwark when the elections, one way or another, are taken from us.

    Which is something Democrats do not want us to understand.

    …so it falls to US to correctly, ah, “interpret” it for them, so they find out all at once that we understand it VERY WELL, and it MAY be the LAST thing we teach them, IF it’s done correctly…

    …powder dry. Safties OFF.

    …be ready…

  6. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama has always been a slow starter and a syntax gaffer. All things considered and reconsidered, yesterday was outstanding. He only misread a few words on the teleprompter, he managed to evade a compliant press, and he attracted at least thirty supporters. More importantly, Dementia Joe managed to signal the MSDM that it was Trump’s fault that all those peaceful protesters had been forced to act like they wanted to burn down America out of frustration and patriotism. What a pathetic spectacle!

  7. All of those news headlines proclaiming Biden says this or that are b******t. Someone else is making those statements, and when they can get Biden to repeat them, they film it. Also, those medications do not really work. Alzheimer patients do occasionally have lucid moments but they will quickly slip away. Usually a seizure or stroke is a sign of decline. I witnessed this with my brother.

  8. Anonymous; Your right, someone other than Biden will be running the American Deep State from behind a curtain. Democrats will be pulling Biden’s puppet strings from the darkness, hidden from the public view. Global comes to mind.

  9. It is pretty apparent to me how Sleepy Joe got the nomination. The ivory tower, media, ‘elite’ Dems all wanted the supposedly sexy and interesting candidates. Buttigieg, KAM-a-la, Fauxcahontas, even the mystic, Tulsi, Yang. Oh, and the billionaires who shoved themselves onto the stage. But the blue-collar Dems don’t get any of those people, and want solid, basic Democrat. Sleepy Joe was the only one who fit that mold and had any experience.
    Of course they never intended that he be suffering from dementia.

  10. About 9500 lives taken from covid. Seems a bit less than, say, heart disease, obesity, abortion, all kinds of cancers. Every year.

    Keep spreading the fear & lies. The country is evidently full of idiots that will believe and follow a senile old man around.

  11. SNS, as we prepare for when the “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”, we must pray.

    Christians must fall on our knees and repent to God for allowing the left to remove him from our society. In place of him, they have erected Satan’s gods in his place. We see it everywhere.

    We then need to plead for God’s mercy on us and ask him to thwart the plans of the godless left to steal the election with massive voter fraud, intimidation, the lying media and the indoctrination of our children.

    Only God has the power to defeat the enemy in this way as he did for Israel, as we see so many times in the Old Testament.

    God have mercy on us.

  12. This is an observation. Saw pics of him in the big room for his speech with the reporters sitting around in their hamster circles. There is no traditional teleprompter in front of his pidium. The way he squints while reciting his remarks it looks like he is looking into the distance at something — a big screen tv in back of the “crowd”? I don’t know enough about the electronics at these events to know if that is a possible accommodation. Couldn’t do that if there was a real crowd. But it might have been intended to make him look like he was speaking without notes — such a genius. And of course the media would back,up the illusion

  13. Jethro
    SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 AT 10:50 AM
    Biden is the beta tester for Elon Musk’s brain chip. The bugs haven’t been sorted out yet…”

    …I agree he’s buggy, but it’s maggots.

    STARVED maggots.

    …his brain’s been dead a long time…

  14. That isn’t even true, AIDS, Asian Flu, many other things have killed far more than Covid-19 in the last century. Beyond that, it is clear to get Biden out they have to keep him in a very confined and controlled space without a lot of distractions and he cannot deviate from reading without this happening. Every time he comes out there are literally only 5-7 people allowed in the room in bizarre circles. I’m betting that he can’t really function outside or in rooms of people that may be noisy and distracting. And he had some bizarre exchange with a heckler on the roof of a vehicle taunting him about coming out of the basement. His response was to yell ‘don’t jump’ three times until they hauled him off.

  15. Dementia Joe said that President Trump was “stroking” violence in his Pittsburgh speech. Hells bells! Joe Obiden has been “stroking” the entire country for more than forty years, and now he’s got the semiprofessional hands of Kalamity Harris on the job. Is it more refreshing to be stroked or stoked? Paging Dr. Jill.

  16. Dementia Joe said the President Trump was “stroking” the violence that is occurring in Dementiacrat controlled cities. Hell’s bells! Joe Obiden Bama has been “stroking” America for more than forty years, and now he’s got the semiprofessional hands of Kalamity Harris on the job. Is it more satisfying for rioters to be “stroked” or “stoked” ? Paging Dr. Jill!


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