Biden beset by crises following reversals of Trump policies – IOTW Report

Biden beset by crises following reversals of Trump policies

Just the News-

President Biden entered the Oval Office nearly four months ago and immediately signed dozens of executive orders and made sweeping legislative proposals aimed at rolling back the policies of former President Donald Trump. Early in the Biden presidency, the United States is now facing a series of emerging crises that critics attribute directly to these reversals of Trump-era policies and positions.

“Weak leadership is the cause of all of these crises,” freshman Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) told the John Solomon Reports podcast, citing the surge of illegal immigration, the disabling Colonial Pipeline hack, and the flare-up of violence in the Middle East.


According to the most recent figures, the Customs and Border Patrol agency encountered more than 178,000 illegal migrants crossing into the United States via the southern border in April. That figure is up slightly from the already-high 172,000 recorded in March. read more

14 Comments on Biden beset by crises following reversals of Trump policies

  1. I know Glen Beck went off the rails sometimes, but several years ago he hit the nail on the head about what was going on then, and is REALLY happening now. He called it the “top down-bottom up” theory. In short, this is a strategy of the left that seems to be working. Make things so bad and so chaotic, that the working class demands that the government step in an fix things. The government agrees, but only if the peasants are willing to give up a lot (if not all) of their freedom. The peasants agree, because anything will be better than the way things are going.
    Sound familiar?
    Covid-19, gas shortages, riots, mass shootings…please mr. president save us.
    OK, just wear masks and don’t have public gatherings, do away with the police, take away everyone’s guns, there we fixed it.
    Scary scenario, but to me, we’re moving right ahead with the plan.

  2. California has some gas station out of fuel today. Hopefully it’s just panic buying. If not we are being seriously fucked with. When they stop the diesel we are in deep shit.

  3. Anyone who cannot recognize that his Administration is deliberately p, systematically and wantonly taking positive action to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death is either hopelessly naive or an idiot.

    Everything they are doing is being done in service to their Dark Prince. They have gone from being openly and unabashedly hostile to The Good to openly and actively implementing the Devil’s agenda here in America.

    America having been the best hope for innocent human beings to escape suffering, misery and death throughout the world has been in Lucifer’s sights since it’s inception. From day one patriots and minister’s worthy of the name have been pointing out where their agenda leads each and every time they gain critical mass and are able to implement their policies.

    No one who supports this is innocent, “good intentions” are not available to those who have been willfully ignorant of the implications of what they accept and in most cases champion. This program of destruction is actively hostile to The Good and in service to the Prince of Darkness.

  4. And just as Colonial Pipeline starts flowing again, they’ve suddenly discovered a huge crack in the I-40 Mississippi River overpass, shutting down river shipping as well as highway traffic.

    Better pass that monster “infrastructure” bill, Congress!

    Southland and Heartland hardest hit. Hmm…

  5. To me, the Left hated President Trump’s tweets and assumed every single thing he did was wrong.
    I think many of our side also kinda hated some aspects of Trump’s tweets, but WE RECOGNIZED THAT MR. TRUMP WAS EXTREMELY COMPETENT, INGENIOUS EVEN, IN RUNNING THE COUNTRY – the left just could never see that.

  6. Resident Biden will blame everything on President Trump. The President reversed Obama’s policies, the economy took off, and then Obama took credit. Biden reverses President Trump’s policies, crashes the economy and blames President Trump in 5…4…3…2…1.

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