Biden blames Ann Coulter for Gov’t. shutdown – IOTW Report

Biden blames Ann Coulter for Gov’t. shutdown

Breitbart: Biden Forgets Ann Coulter’s Name, Blames ‘Conservative Blonde Woman’ for Shutdown.

In an interview with CNN Friday, former Vice President Joe Biden accused talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh and “the conservative blonde woman” — an apparent reference to New York Times best-selling author and conservative commentator Ann Coulter — of causing a partial shutdown of the federal government.

“Republicans overwhelmingly voted to keep the government open. Then Rush Limbaugh and the conservative blonde woman says he’s losing his base, and so he’s changed his mind,” Biden, who is said to be mulling a White House run in 2020, said of President Trump’s pledge to secure funding to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. more here


10 Comments on Biden blames Ann Coulter for Gov’t. shutdown

  1. I didn’t know Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter were elected to any office. In fact, I didn’t even know either one was an official advisor to any government official.

    Rush and Ann are opinion meisters. Their influence comes from the fact that millions of people agree with opinions, which is vastly different from leftists who need to silence dissent lest the lack of numbers expose them as being in the minority.


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