Biden Blurts Incoherent Outburst at Reporters Day After Freezing Up On Stage – IOTW Report

Biden Blurts Incoherent Outburst at Reporters Day After Freezing Up On Stage

Joe Biden attempted to ridicule reporters shouting questions at him at the White House by yelling incoherent blather back at them.

18 Comments on Biden Blurts Incoherent Outburst at Reporters Day After Freezing Up On Stage

  1. His dog could also eat the old Alpha Bits cereal and probably shit sentences more coherently than joey and they’d probably do less damage to its digestive track than scrabble tiles would. If the dog ate Lucky Charms, would it shit rainbows and become gay.

  2. The bitch is making fun of you. Of us. He can. He knows. He is not what he seems in any significant way. How many approximations of Joe Biden are there? Which one is the real one? Who am I to ask the question? In what delusion do I expect an answer?

    This is getting far out of hand in an evil and frightening way. The FACT that the 0bama cabal is getting away with it demonstrates the cabal in in consanguinity with the state and the deep state as well as the globalist cabal. An end would have been put to this madness were it not in the desire of the occult (not black magic, merely hidden) rulers of the country and perhaps the world..

    We will not act until we become convinced we are standing on a burning platform. How far through the supports will the flames have burned before we become so convinced? This fellow as president and the kiddie grooming in schools along with the political prisoners and the persecution of the political opponents of the junta says the flames have consumed a major part of the structure already.

  3. Is there enough Adderall available to keep joey sentient and mentally sharp when he debates Trump in a couple of weeks or so. Or will the CNN hosts get out their high voltage electric cattle prods (I know it’s the amperage and not the voltage that does the most damage) and stun Trump every time he says anything like the Babylon Bee suggests today.

  4. On this occasion, I think Joe is trolling the press – no one can understand a question when dozens of reporters are all shouting at the same time, so yelling blather back at them was probably just a joke.

    There are plenty of instances where Joe does act like he has dementia, and we don’t need to attribute dementia in those instances where it seems like he is just poking fun at an unruly media.

  5. ^^^ maybe the media wouldn’t be so unruly if they actually got some sort of answer to their questions. Hurling shit at the media for them hurling shit at Joetato is just a shit hurling contest. The president is responsible for setting the tone and all he created is a big shitfest.

  6. Scary, but the translation of that Biden mushmouth sentence might be, “I’m not worried about a thing” in response to one of the questions from the press. Then, he grins like he made a sharp and witty comeback to the press. Dementia Joe’s attempt to be cocky and arrogant just came off…well, demented as usual.


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