Biden Border Crisis: South Texas Migrant Facility at 729% of its Legal Capacity, Children Are Going Hungry and Only Showering Once a Week – IOTW Report

Biden Border Crisis: South Texas Migrant Facility at 729% of its Legal Capacity, Children Are Going Hungry and Only Showering Once a Week

Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden’s border crisis is getting worse by the day.

Joe Biden reversed Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, promised amnesty, and allowed unaccompanied migrant children into the US which caused a surge of illegal border crossings in the last several weeks.

Psaki still refused to call the border surge a “crisis” even though CNN is now calling the thousands of unaccompanied minors being kept in cages a “crisis.”

The White House also admitted Joe Biden made a policy decision, recognizing it would cause a surge in illegal immigration.

A South Texas migrant facility is now at 729% of its legal capacity and the unaccompanied children are going hungry and only showering once a week.

According to reports, more than 3,500 unaccompanied migrant children and teens are being held in CBP detention centers. read more

17 Comments on Biden Border Crisis: South Texas Migrant Facility at 729% of its Legal Capacity, Children Are Going Hungry and Only Showering Once a Week

  1. “Moments after Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson took his first tour of a southern Arizona detention facility housing about 900 migrant children in makeshift cages Wednesday, he had a message for Central American parents who are on the brink of sending their children illegally and alone into the United States.
    “This journey is a dangerous one, and at the end of it there is no free pass,” he said. “There are no permisos for children, for your children, who come to the United States. The journey from Central America into south Texas is over a thousand miles long. It is hot. It is treacherous and you are placing your child in the hands of a criminal smuggling organization. It is not safe.”
    “This crisis that America is facing with these children, unaccompanied children, is because we have not sent a strong message to these countries that our borders are closed,” she said. “And we need a federal government to step up and secure the borders.”
    – Jeh Johnson, DHS Secretary, June 2014

  2. People shower more than once a week?

    If this doesn’t show bias the media is with their covering for Biden, nothing will. I’m beginning to REALLY despise Biden voters and all of the Dem-Tards in Government.

    I don’t know what they were promised to get them to help destroy our Country but it must have been something pretty good. Maybe they truly believe that if they feed the crocodile it will eat them last.

  3. Zonga is right and Texas should ship em’ all to D.C.
    I had dinner with friends last week, he is conservative and so is his wife but she made the comment “if only Trump didn’t tweet mean things he would have been re-elected”. That of course set me off on my soap box about what the man has done all by himself with little/no help from Republicans and SCOTUS. He put the truth out there so we could see what was really going on.
    I thought her husband might step in but when I looked at him he was all smiles.

    Now this B.S. at the boarder is all Biden and there is no blaming DJT, though they try, nor is it global warming – calling you out V.P. kneels-a-lot.

    You made this bed and even thought the MSM will not put it out there we/I/all of us are. Strange how the liberals I meet with have no answers other then it’s for the children. I then say “Good, how many are you willing to provide for in your home, 6, 12 or more”.

    None of them ever respond after that and ask me if I like the new countertops we had installed.
    Capitol “L” Losers.

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