Biden Botches Thomas Jefferson Quote While Mocking and Screaming – IOTW Report

Biden Botches Thomas Jefferson Quote While Mocking and Screaming


As we reported, Joe Biden was losing his mind on the issue of guns on Thursday. 

He attacked JD Vance, falsely claiming that Vance said shootings were “facts of life.” 

“Who in the hell do these people think they are!!!” Biden screamed. 

Biden was being misleading because that isn’t what Vance said. 

Vance, who is not “Secretary of Ohio,” said: 

“I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools.”

Translation? Another derisible screeching lie from Biden. He has absolutely no regard for the truth. 

Cyrus Vance was Secretary of State from 1977-1980, during the time when Biden was in the Senate. I think that’s the person with whom he confused JD Vance. Biden was having a flashback moment to the 70s in his mind.  more

9 Comments on Biden Botches Thomas Jefferson Quote While Mocking and Screaming

  1. Is it too much to ask that, as long as Joey’s botching things, that he botch remembering, when in the bath tub, to keep his head above water?

    Please, somebody bet him he can’t swallow a whole kielbasa in one piece.

  2. Hey, Joe, how about some true “common sense” gun control? Since the most dangerous people with guns are Democrats and the mentally ill (but I repeat myself), take their guns away and watch gun homicides drop to almost zero!

  3. RickeyG: I’ve often said that if the dems are serious about gun confiscation, they need to begin in the highest crime areas of the country, i.e. the “inner city”. Go door to door and see how that works out.


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