Biden Brain Breaks – IOTW Report

Biden Brain Breaks

PART I: Biden’s Brain Breaks, Then What He Said About Kids in School Will Make Parents Shudder.

At this point, I wonder what the Biden staff must be thinking every time they let him loose and he starts talking. They must collectively hold their breath and hope that he doesn’t mess up too much. But unfortunately, their fears–frequently–are realized.

On Wednesday, Biden gave some remarks during the White House event to honor the 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year. But apparently, he spoke at a point when he said he wasn’t “supposed to.”

PART II: Biden’s Brain Breaks Yet Again, but What He Managed to Say About Ukraine Is Concerning

I believe that we have some obligations under the Budapest Memorandum to help Ukraine, so our allies know they can trust our word and will also honor their agreements with us. However, I’ve also been asking: Is anyone checking to make sure the aid is going to where it’s supposed to be going?

Joe Biden seems to be acting like we have a bottomless pit of money to just throw out there for Ukraine. According to the New York Times, in March, Congress approved $13.6 billion to help Ukraine, including $3.5 billion for military aid, $6.9 billion for other aid, and $3 billion for the deployment of our soldiers to the various NATO-allied countries.

Now, Biden is asking for $33 billion more, claiming that what was asked for last month has already been spent. This is out of control.

13 Comments on Biden Brain Breaks

  1. I think we have the right to know whom, exactly, has the nuclear football. My guess, Dr. Jill. The Retard would have left it in a restroom by now. Mean while reports are Kami is sicker then hell. I think they killed her.

  2. @Brad Can you imagine if VP Harris is really sick? Two shots and two boosters plus she is taking the faux Ivermectin. If she’s sick, did she get too many shots or not enough? How will they spin it?

  3. I would wager biden* utters the “N-word” within the next thirty days.

    Old habits die hard and you just KNOW it was a prominent part of his vocabulary in the 70’s.

    MSM will dismiss it and blacks will still vote dem in 2022 at the 80% mark.

  4. It should be noted that Joe Biden is being called and known as the HUMAN TRAFFICKER-IN-CHIEF for his allowing illegal children to be trafficked at the southern border and as they have crossed into the US. These children and women have all been snatched up by chicken hawks, pimps, and assorted drug traffickers to be used as mules and slave labor into the US’s elite household populations and for various cheap labor. They are also being used by Anthony Fauci Mengele as test/experiment subjects as he has done with the numerous orphan kids he eventually murdered and with the democrat party’s approval.

  5. Dementia Joe’s Handlers and Masters must feel like they are leading a blind and deaf man through a mine field every time he speaks to anybody and goes off the Teleprompter Reservation. It won’t get better, since senile dementia isn’t reversible, and the Kalamitous Jamindian is getting uppity about her historic position as Veep Throat. Can you envision what trying to manage this historic example of political racial profiling is like for her Handlers and Masters? What will they do?

  6. The ventriloquist is out of sync with the dummy.

    And I hope the Kamel-ho is suffering – though I don’t believe for a moment that any self-respecting virus could live in the filth that is her body – the fact that she hasn’t died of some weird STD or AIDS is proof of that.

    Joey’s just the clown show – the terrorists are all working behind the scenes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Got that wrong Tim-her body has a symbiotic relationship with a vast cock-tail of bacteria, virus, & God only knows what else.
    She’ll be fine!

  8. And now, the CIA war has apparently expanded the lir Ukraine operation to attacks on military facilities inside Russia. The Dems and Neocons are crowing about this, and it might be a good tactic in a different conflict, but it is a horrible move strategically in this case. Grain production may be sagging , but we are going to reap a huge harvest of “Blowback” and “Unexpected” very soon if we continue to allow the spooks and the MIC free rein in Ukraine.

    Speaking of attacks within borders, I wonder if our spooks and our FBI have noticed that our domestic food production facilities are being burned down and put out of production at an alarming rate. Maybe we should stop f—king around inside Russia, and start looking around inside our own country to see what is going on.

    But I have little hope that the BiPaRTiSaN Congress will put the brakes on any of this spending madness, even if the GOP takes the House and Senate. The Biden cabal, the IC, the Pentagon and the Deep State are all in for total war, and it’s being sold to us by the slurring, drooling, halfwit husk of a man and his shadow Preezy, Barky.

    As always, stock up, because as someone ^^^^ once said, never underestimate Joe’s ability to f—k up.


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