Biden calls up US military reserve units to deploy to active duty in Europe in ‘Operation Atlantic Resolve’ – IOTW Report

Biden calls up US military reserve units to deploy to active duty in Europe in ‘Operation Atlantic Resolve’

h/t joe6pak

PM: A presidential action posted by the White House on Thursday revealed that the President, under his authority as Commander-in-chief, is calling up US military units to deploy to active duty in Europe under what is being called Operation Atlantic Resolve. 

Operation Atlantic Resolve is the official name of the unofficial operation supporting the war in Ukraine, and is in response to Russia’s invasion of the Donbass region. Operation Atlantic Resolve has been funded under the European Deterrence Initiative, and is intended, thus far, to strengthen NATO. The US has military in Eastern Europe, but has not called on Americans to fight to defend Ukraine.

“I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of responsibility,” President Joe Biden said.

As such, he authorized the ordering of any active duty units of the Coast Guard to serve as a unit of the Selected Reserve. The Selected Reserve is the “the most readily available group of Army Reserve Soldiers,” according to the US Military

All members of the Selected Reserve can be mobilized in the event that an emergency arises and they are called upon to do so. more

31 Comments on Biden calls up US military reserve units to deploy to active duty in Europe in ‘Operation Atlantic Resolve’

  1. If I was 19 or 20 years old now there is no way in hell, I would enlist in the military now. Didn’t these bloodthirsty democrap and RINO bastards learn anything from Vietnam except how to lose wars. We need to stay the hell out of another damned war in Europe as well as have to fight the chinks on a second front in Asia. joey is as bad or worse than Woody Wilson who promised us that we wouldn’t get in involved in World War in 1916. God help us because our politicians won’t.

  2. “Townhall has some on it also along with other things to piss you off…”

    ^^^^^ that seems to be my default disposition lately.

    The good news, at least our military commanders will get some hands-on experience in military preparedness, tactics, and strategy, and less time incorporating lug-sole loafers, metallics, and faux leather into the new uniforms or addressing that sticky issue of which brand tampon to adorn the new field packs.

  3. As a veteran that would be FJB or eff biden. joey is the worst of the worst democrap presidunces. He’s far worse than Woody Wilson, FDR, JFK, Jimma Carta, slick willie and obummer, all democrap presidents combined. I despise the bastard worse than any other President in my lifetime of 70 years.

  4. It’s hard to believe, but look back at the Vietnam war protests: they were right about everything, and the “war” in Ukraine just goes to prove it. Trump was right again.

  5. Time for young military-age draft-eligible males to identify as “female” and “pregnant” so they won’t be deployed.
    Kind of like what the draft dodgers did during VietNam, running to Canadia.


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