Biden camp forms team to begin ‘very early stages of pre-transition planning’ – IOTW Report

Biden camp forms team to begin ‘very early stages of pre-transition planning’


Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign has formed a team to begin transition planning should the former vice president defeat Republican President Donald Trump at the ballot box in November.

Former Delaware Democratic Sen. Ted Kaufman has been chosen to helm the early transition work. For many years during Biden’s lengthy tenure in the legislative chamber, Kaufman served as his chief of staff. Previously, Kaufman ran Biden’s vice presidential transition team and was appointed to serve in Biden’s vacated senate seat.

“The next president will confront an ongoing global health pandemic and inherit an economy in its worst shape since the Great Depression,” Kaufman said in a statement from the Biden campaign, according to The Hill. “No one will have taken office facing such daunting obstacles since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Joe Biden is prepared to meet these urgent challenges on the day he is sworn in as president, and begin the hard work of addressing the public health crisis and rebuilding an economy that puts working families first.” 

Others on the team will include Yohannes Abraham, who worked in senior roles during the Obama administration, and Avril Haines, who has served as deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency and assistant to the president and principal deputy national security advisor to President Obama. more

22 Comments on Biden camp forms team to begin ‘very early stages of pre-transition planning’

  1. Since Biden is well into the early stages of dementia, someone on his team, namely his wife Jill, should be “planning” long term care for Biden.

    He’ll probably be incapacitated by November. The Democrat party is pure evil for using a demented old man as a prop for political gain.

  2. The reference to FDR was kind of a good comparison, since Dementia Joe Obiden Bama will be the first President in history to have his brain confined to a wheelchair.

  3. Can’t blame ya Joe…..I’ve got candles lit, Luther Vandross on the stereo, rose petals leading to the bedroom and some champagne chilling for when Allison Stokke drops by.

  4. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch joey, you ain’t President yet. And God forbid you will ever be President. President Trump is going to make Nixon and Reagan both look like pikers when he beats your sorry ass in a landslide on Nov. 3rd.

  5. My mom who had severe dementia was so scared of being put in a rubber room before she died. It was one of the few times she was actually aware of those things when my brother threatened to put her in a rubber room. Joey needs to be put in one and tied up in a staitjacket as well so he can’t hurt himself or any others with his abject stupidity.

  6. Don’t be to optimistic until November 4. The Democrats still have time to lie, cheat, and steal votes. Keeping people lock up in their homes, bombarded by MSM. This will quite liking be a major turning point if these dumbasses regain control.

  7. I wonder how many of his Transition Team Circle-Jerk will be in jail or under indictment by the time the election rolls around. I wonder if they’ll tell Old Joe that he actually lost or whether they’ll just brick him up behind a wall in a room they told was the Oval Office.


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