Biden camp launches in-person canvassing effort just 4 weeks from election – IOTW Report

Biden camp launches in-person canvassing effort just 4 weeks from election

JTN: Joe Biden’s presidential campaign this week launched an in-person voter canvassing effort, beginning face-to-face politicking just one month before the Nov. 3 election.

Biden’s campaign notably declined to mount a face-to-face get-out-the-vote operation this year, citing concerns over transmitting COVID-19 to voters. The Trump campaign, meanwhile, says it has knocked on tens of millions of doors while at the same time following public health directives. more

12 Comments on Biden camp launches in-person canvassing effort just 4 weeks from election

  1. But the WSJ/NBC poll has him up 14 and the media told us it was totally over, no chance in hell for POTUS. LOL. Good luck finding people that want to try to convince people in person Biden is worth voting for.

  2. Canvasing – or ballot harvesting? I have my Cali ballot already thanks to Gov Newsom. It would be just as easy to say “Sign the envelope and I will take care of everything for you” or “Give me the whole packet and I will handle the rest” instead of saying “Vote for Joe”

  3. P.S. I registered to vote 30 years ago when I moved to my current address – I guarantee my current signature does not match what is on my registration form.

    What guarantee do I have my ballot will not be rejected for that?


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