Biden Campaign Balks — Won’t Commit to Drug Test – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign Balks — Won’t Commit to Drug Test


The Biden Camp officially refused to drug test Joe Biden ahead of Thursday night’s highly anticipated presidential debate.Joe Biden is currently hiding at Camp David and doing “debate prep.”President Trump and Joe Biden will face off in the first presidential debate next Thursday. The debate will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta.

The microphones will be muted except when it is the candidate’s ‘turn’ to speak. more

24 Comments on Biden Campaign Balks — Won’t Commit to Drug Test

  1. Too bad there will be no audience.
    A patriot could pop a balloon behind Shitpants so the country could audibly hear the Shyster-In-Chief wreck another Depends live on-camera.
    Nothing Potatohead will say is worth hearing. His words are mere noise and he is never held accountable for the damage he does.

  2. There’s only one place Biden can attack Trump. If they can get him lucid enough. Jobs added post COVID. Yes it bull shit but it will be hard for TRUMP to defend against on the Criminal News Network.

  3. Throw the liberal statist cliché right back at them.
    “Why do you object if you have nothing to hide?”

    Of course Joey’s drugged. Thinking otherwise is foolish.

  4. Maybe They can Market Jotato’s Cocktail…..I mean Monster Energy is a Billion

    Dollar Company…and it’s basically the same Jolt as Coffee….

    We need a Contest to Name said Cocktail.

    “The Biden Blaster….It’ll raise the Dead!!”

  5. He doesn’t need drugs, he’s a sharp as a marble.
    Trump should challenge him to run up and down the stairs 10 times with him. Trump’s no spring chicken but I’m thinking he could do it.

  6. Trump should bail out, Biden is a BS generator, what is the purpose of giving him a soap box to spew his krap from. No one could revivify his long dead brain, BS is all he knows. And then we have MSM who will do all they can to chit on Trump after and during the debate, we’ve all seen it before…a big waste of electricity and time.

  7. This is not going to be a debate. It will be a dual interview. Biden has been given all the questions ahead of time and is practicing his responses. He may even be pre-recording his responses, while the meds peak each day.

    Trump will be eviscerated, though he may still win, to those still in possession of their faculties, by simply showing up, being truthful, and controlling (not suppressing) his sharp wit.

    To the witless Biden true believers and nevertrumpers, Trump will forever remain orange man bad.

  8. @Mr_Pinko prediction. Tonight’s “debate” is going to be a CLUSTERF*CK.

    Trump’s mic will be screwed with. Dana Trash and Fake Tapper will pig pile on Trump. They’ll be the ones trying to get under Trump’s skin.
    Hopefully Biden will be over prepped and screw up big time.

    Biden will tire out at towards the end and Trump will say “Are you ok Joe? If you cannot last 90 minutes, you shouldn’t be leading our country.”

    Any other predictions?

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