Biden Campaign Pushes Hoax That Trump Used ‘N-Word,’ When Biden Said It at Least 15 Times – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign Pushes Hoax That Trump Used ‘N-Word,’ When Biden Said It at Least 15 Times

‘The Apprentice’ Producer Bill Pruitt Admits He Can Never Prove Donald Trump N-Word Tape Exists.

Pruitt wrote (emphasis added), “Nobody heard the racist and misogynistic comments or saw the alleged cheating, the bluffing, or his hair taking off in the wind. Those tapes, I’ve come to believe, will never be found.”


The Biden campaign is pushing a decade-old allegation that former President Donald Trump used the “N-word” on tape during filming for The Apprentice, while ignoring that President Joe Biden actually used the word during Senate hearings 15 times.

Bill Pruitt, a former show producer, published an essay for the far-left news and commentary website Slate on Thursday regurgitating his accusation that Trump used the “N-word” while discussing one of the show’s contestants, but admitted that his recollection of quotes were “not verbatim” and that the alleged tapes would “never be found.”

Nonetheless, the Biden-Harris campaign — which is increasingly becoming desperate as national polls show Trump ahead in swing states — sent out an email highlighting Pruitt’s piece, calling it a “bombshell report.” more

19 Comments on Biden Campaign Pushes Hoax That Trump Used ‘N-Word,’ When Biden Said It at Least 15 Times

  1. The more you push a lie, the better the chances are that someone will believe it and spread it… aaaannd if I recollect right, it was Jackass Joe, not Trump, who was best buds with the former Exalted Cyclops of the KKK who vowed to never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. Jackass Joe has been know to open his mouth and have Robert Byrd’s voice come out! Well he retracted all that, but then went on to fillibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act… and Jackass Joe (who didn’t want his kids in a racial jungle) called him his mentor! I don’t think ANYTHING like that is in Trump’s history!!

  2. Biden said something to the effect that, “…we don’t need any more upitty…”.

    That has been scrubbed from the interwebs.

  3. ^^^^^
    Fucking Tom Arnold. LOL. I use to do battle with him on Instagram. The faggot. The dude lives in a track home in the “valley”. He has two children, a boy and a girl. His boy has hair down to his shoulders. Kinda of a mullet. So I commented you have two beautiful daughters. Dude wanted to fight me sight unseen. To funny.

  4. Just think, one candidate told blacks they would be put back in chains and that they weren’t authentically black if they didn’t vote for him.
    This shit is on tape and readily available.

    Yet some supposed mystery tape of Trump calling a black man the N-word should disqualify him?


  5. Political correctness is strangling us. Bill and Hillary Clinton, xiden, Adam Schiff, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters and numerous others are NOT N-words, they are niggers. If that offends anyone, cry me a river. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using the word nigger in the proper context, something I’ve never heard the Pretender do, although he’s used the word often enough.

    Using the N-word instead of nigger is just about as gutless as wearing a mask during the scamdemic because someone might disapprove. No wonder the marxist scum think they can walk all over us.

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