Biden Campaign Warns Democrat Candidates: Do Not Repeat ‘Discredited Lies’ About Hunter – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign Warns Democrat Candidates: Do Not Repeat ‘Discredited Lies’ About Hunter

Discredited lies??? B!tch, please.
Are you 2020 guys going to do as Biden demands?
Or are you chickens?
You mothercluckers probably will.
Cuz…. you’re chickens.

Breitbart: The Biden campaign is warning any presidential candidate who “calls themselves a Democrat” to refrain from repeating “discredited lies” about Joe Biden (D) and his son Hunter during the next presidential debate.

The Biden campaign is taking an aggressive stance in an effort to dismiss the mounting questions and concerns surrounding the Bidens’ business dealings in both China and Ukraine. The latter has become a particular point of interest in recent weeks, following President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Democrats say Trump “pressured” Ukraine to investigate his potential rival, Biden, who played a key role in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings. Hunter Biden served on the board, making $83,000 per month, despite a stunning lack of qualifications for such a position. The former vice president wanted the prosecutor fired and threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid, bragging about his ultimatum last year.

“I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours,” Biden said during an appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired,” he boasted.

The Biden campaign, however, is warning fellow candidates to refrain from taking a shot at the Bidens’ business dealings in China and Ukraine, and specifically the role that Hunter played.

A Biden aide warned anyone who “calls themselves a ‘Democrat’” from pushing the “discredited lies.” If they choose to do so, they “would be making a profound statement about themselves,” the aide said, according to Bloomberg.

“Aides to some of the other candidates in the debate say they do not expect their candidates to shy away from repeating their public criticisms,” Bloomberg reported. However, Biden’s Democrat rivals have largely refrained from talking about the Bidens’ questionable business dealings, focusing on party-approved impeachment talking points instead. more

SNIP: See? Chickens. No matter, Donald Trump will turn all of you into nuggets in ’20.

20 Comments on Biden Campaign Warns Democrat Candidates: Do Not Repeat ‘Discredited Lies’ About Hunter

  1. These round of dems are so lame. There should only be 5 candidates at the most right now.
    But no, they’re busy trash talking tax payers and harassing Trump.
    And when there are still 15 of them at the final debate, they’re not going to have time to make their case why they should be made Dem nominee.

  2. Trying to play catch up after a serious heads down work day. I saw President Trump bitchslap Biden last night. Did Biden respond directly?

    Dude, Trump directly Called you a moron a terrible senator and a complete loser who’s only qualification for the job and vice president was that you knew how to kiss Barack Obamas ass. The gauntlet has been thrown and you can’t respond because you know it’s true.

  3. They don’t know who I am!
    They mention Hunter and all hell gone broke lose!
    The discredited lies don’t mention that Hunter got nuthin from the deals – Barry tooken most of it, and the rest got stributed round the Party. Er’y body in Barry’s cabnet got something – something a lot! of … uhh…….. at …. ?

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