Biden cancels student loan debt for 115,000 borrowers who attended ITT Tech – IOTW Report

Biden cancels student loan debt for 115,000 borrowers who attended ITT Tech

CFP: The Department of Education announced today it will cancel $1.1 billion in student debt for 115,000 borrowers.

The relief will go to those who attended ITT Technical Institute, a for-profit school that is now defunct. The school is accused of misrepresenting itself and steering students into pricey private loans. These borrowers didn’t finish their degrees and left the school after March 31, 2008.

“Today’s action continues the Department’s efforts to improve and use its targeted loan relief authorities to deliver meaningful help to student borrowers,” U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, in a statement. more

16 Comments on Biden cancels student loan debt for 115,000 borrowers who attended ITT Tech

  1. Washington is ignoring the helpless tax peasants, because they have now successfully silenced them and worked around voting by deliberately tainting voting systems across America. What are tax slaves going to do now, cry?

  2. So, this is how they bring about “free” college and total student debt “forgiveness”? One school at a time? Kinda like how they are backdooring a $15 minimum wage by paying people not to work.

  3. Eagerly awaiting a refund of the $80+K we saved up and used on our sons tuition & U expenses.
    We’ve gone from “We’ll help you take care of yourself” to ” hold my hand, I’ll take care of you, but I won’t do a good job because we made so many of you dependent types.”
    Guess wht happens next?

  4. I graduated ITT Tech in St.Pete,FLA.
    I made payments the first day I started.
    I paid 24k with 8.00% interest.
    I want my Friggin $$$ back !

  5. Bribing a whole class to vote for him. There should be a law against that. I could live with it if there was a clause “if you take this $$$ you can never vote again”. Then lets see how quick the Democrats are to give away $$$ to just anyone.

    After the Civil War we need to tweek the Constitution. Changes that need to be made:
    -Tyranacide to be made legal (if you murder a politician and you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury that said politician was setting themselves up to be a tyrant you are to be declared a hero of the state, a statue of your likeness will be made and placed in your home town.
    -the POTUS serves a one 6 year term with line item veto power
    – A House member cannot serve more than 10 years in the House & a Senator not more than 12 years in the Senate
    -public officials elected, appointed or hired by the state who are found guilty of bribery shall be publicly executed by being sewn into a bag with wild animals and then thrown into the Potomac river.
    -voter ID (show it or you can’t vote)
    -voter fraud to be punished by pubic execution- the same day the verdict is rendered. To quote Biden “the sacred right to vote” shall not be F*cked with, by anybody.
    -if you received public assistance you can not vote. (only those putting in the kitty get a say on how much is raised and how it is spent).
    -at the age of 19 public service is required for 2 years- Peace Corps, Military, Park Ranger’s assistant, religious service. You pick but you are taking time off of your life to ponder the greater meaning of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by serving others.
    -all laws passed by the Congress apply to themselves and their staff; should they be tried for breaking that law the court is to apply the law to the Congress person or their staff in the strictest possible interpretation and any prescribed punishment is doubled if they are found guilty.

    One can dream can’t they?

  6. My brother taught at ITT-Tech for many years. Though initially skeptical, he found that the majority of students learned what they needed to and found good jobs. ITT-Tech had a good reputation with employers.

    It was not a perfect company, by any means, and they charged a lot of money to students, but I don’t think it deserved the death sentence Obama gave it. They should charge the ITT-Tech debt to Obama and his cronies.

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