Biden Criticizes American press – IOTW Report

Biden Criticizes American press

Joe Biden was caught on a hot mic criticizing the American press, saying the Indian press is ‘better behaved’ while meeting with the Indian prime minister. FoxNews

16 Comments on Biden Criticizes American press

  1. What a vindictive ungrateful wretch he must be. All of them clinging to the lies and deceit at the root of their power. They must truly think themselves invincible.

    Illegitimate President and mongrel dog biting the hand that made him. This proves that eventually you can start believing your own lies and that your farts don’t stink.😑

  2. @Kcir — As @geoff said, Indian motorcycle, but I don’t know what “pull start” refers to. Kick start and button start, you betcha, but not pull start.

    Somebody ought to ask Kakamala for a TV demonstration of her Indian “suck start” technique.

  3. Nope.

    Indian from India
    Indian With Turban
    Indian Passed out on Sidewalk

    Sorry but it’s an old one. I also do the Canadian & Italian thing of whick i’m both, so have at me.

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