Biden Caught on Hot Mic Telling Macron His Team’s Plan to Get Him Out of D-Day Celebration Early – IOTW Report

Biden Caught on Hot Mic Telling Macron His Team’s Plan to Get Him Out of D-Day Celebration Early

GP: Joe and Jill Biden arrived in Normandy on Thursday to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Biden is spending 5 days in France, attending D-Day ceremonies in Normandy and visiting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

As usual, Joe Biden was a humiliation on the world stage.

He sat down in an invisible chair, boasted about killing Russians, fell asleep and was whisked away from the celebrations by Nurse Jill.

20 Comments on Biden Caught on Hot Mic Telling Macron His Team’s Plan to Get Him Out of D-Day Celebration Early

  1. I don’t know what sort of drugs they fill him up with to get him to perform in front of a live audience. God only knows what DARPA has wasted our wealth on. But obviously you can only get them to work for so long before you have to put Mr. Potatohead back into the toy box so he doesn’t disturb the sham of an image everyone has of him. Its funny. Hollywood has made so many films about a rebel group siezing control of a look alike or puppet to be their front man on the throne or in the president position that you would think more people would recognize the sad story we are living through right now with evil Obama puppetmaster along with Hillary, Soros and who know who else, pushing the puppet around, getting him to mouth their words, getting him to “order” their policies be carried out, etc. Nobody applauds that subterfuge in the movies. Why is half the country perfectly happy with it going on here?

  2. What sorts drugs are you on?
    Ask a question you don’t won’t answer to. Why do you support a washed up reality TV has been?
    Ask silly questions, get a silly answer. Me personally I never like your guy from his beginnings. America gave their answer in 2020, he’s FIRED. 2024 same answer.

  3. They promised him that he would visit that famous race track in France where the women don’t wear pants and the men go around with their weinies hanging down….

  4. Sounds like,looks like a …
    Anyting,anyone OTHER than HIM!
    Bless your miss-guided ways, Jesus still loves, maybe?
    Jeffrey Epstein shared with your fallen one & ALL were underage teenage girls on Pedo Island.

  5. You got nuttin. Incoherent?
    Read my lips. Trump shared underage girls with Jeffrey for sex. Trump is on video degrading all women with his grab them by crotch & give it a good ole squeeze. 26 women say otherwise.
    Sexual pervert,rapist & felon.

  6. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating; voting for Biden because you don’t like Trump is like eating a turd because you don’t like broccoli.

  7. do not respond to Anusnonomous so he can go back to looking at pictures of odinga touching little boys. That is what they do all day as government employees

  8. Anonymous is just one of legions of lonely, sexually frustrated losers who sit in their mama’s basement, making inane comments on sites like this while giggling and fondling themselves when someone responds so they can feel like they’re not just insignificant drek posing as a a substantial human being.

  9. @ geoff the aardvark FRIDAY, 7 JUNE 2024, 2:46 AT 2:46 AM

    Same for me although unless there’s corn in it, the turd the next day is inevitably anonymous.


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