Biden Caught Violating Store’s Mask Policy – IOTW Report

Biden Caught Violating Store’s Mask Policy

If the pandemic really is as bad as the White House says it is, why isn’t the president wearing a mask?

14 Comments on Biden Caught Violating Store’s Mask Policy

  1. Please nigga, that masking shit is for the rubes.

    I saw a photo of a big government party in Austria over the weekend. Very hoidie-toidy, all tuxes and formal wear. Oh and not a mask to be seen.

    Yep, the very same Austria that has just issued some of the strictest “vaccine” mandates in the world including mandatory injections.

    The old one that we know they are lying and they know that we know they are lying and they just keep lying is the unadulterated truth.

    It’s also why this talk of a 2022 midterm disaster for the REGressives has a hollow sound to it.

  2. MMinWa

    Michigan Finally beat Ohio State in Football yesterday.
    The Students, Players, Alum, Flooded the field and went WILD!
    No Masks, & I don’t give a shit.
    I wonder why CNN is silent though?

  3. “If the pandemic really is as bad as the White House says it is, why isn’t the president wearing a mask?”

    The President may very well have been wearing a mask at this time, we do not know.

    Because he wasn’t there.

    And the guy in the pic, Pedo Biden, is not President.

    Never was.

    Never will be.

  4. About the best you can say about Jackass Joe is that he is a lame-brained, feckless, reckless, blustering, bragging, cheating, stumbling, bumbling, loathsome, amoral, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, mendacious, greedy, venal, obnoxious, dirty, horrible, ornery, unpleasant, vile, vulgar, demented hypocrite who talks out of his ass and as a result was installed like a toilet!

  5. If the pandemic is as bad as we are supposed to believe, why are the illegal targets crossing our border not being forced to be vaxed.

    If the pandemic is as bad as we are supposed to believe, why are there any exemptions at all?

    If the vax is as safe as Fuckie says it is, why are people in the health care industry quiting instead of taking his death jab?

    Lots of questions that should be asked, but won’t be. By the media or by any supposed conservative in office.

    Our betters need to keep their gold plated jobs, but us keeping ours is of no concern to them.


  6. TFR: Let’s face it. About twenty-five or thirty percent of the populace wouldn’t care if it’s proven that the last election was stolen, and most of them will never accept the merciless truth. They are Plantation Dwellers and Trump Haters. Robert Woodward is one of them.

  7. With mask or no mask, Joe Biden remains as a long-known notorious pedophile and race supremacist. Interesting to note he didn’t ‘visit’ any of the poverty-stricken nabes and small biz which were savaged by domestic and paid-for fear mongers. Likely because those nabes have a mostly non-white population and he doesn’t want to put his withered race supremacist lips on a non-white child. Disgusting reprobate.


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