Biden/China Timeline- ‘The Chinese don’t do anything with America unless part of larger strategy’ – IOTW Report

Biden/China Timeline- ‘The Chinese don’t do anything with America unless part of larger strategy’

In the first part of today’s episode of Common Sense, we are joined by award-winning investigative journalist, John Solomon, who lays out the precise timeline of Hunter Biden, and the entire Biden Family’s, involvement with China. As John says in today’s episode, “We know the Chinese don’t do anything with America unless it’s part of their larger strategy.”

Then, in the second part of the show, we are joined by Dinesh D’Souza, Author of United States of Socialism and award-winning filmmaker! Dinesh provides a lucid explanation of the dangers of socialism. WATCH

3 Comments on Biden/China Timeline- ‘The Chinese don’t do anything with America unless part of larger strategy’

  1. Chinese culture is nothing if it isn’t calculated. This is an ancient civilization and if they had not been isolated from most of the world they could of given Plato, Socrates, Aristotle and Diogenes a run for their money. Don’t be suckered by outward passive appearances.

  2. I wish this stuff were put out in smaller bites…

    Or at the least, commenced with a simple summary, like the old-fashioned “inverted pyramid” that news journalists used to follow.

    That way it could be so much more easily disseminated, drip drip drip to the people who really need to hear it.


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