Biden claims he enjoyed ‘teaching’ and misses ‘being a professor at Penn’. Except he never taught there. – IOTW Report

Biden claims he enjoyed ‘teaching’ and misses ‘being a professor at Penn’. Except he never taught there.


President Joe Biden reaffirmed that he has lost touch with reality, taking shots at Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) before bulking up his resume with a job he’s never held.

Boston College history professor Heather Cox Richardson recently released an interview with Biden that was conducted on February 25.

“I wanted to hear from a historic figure in a historic time about how he thinks about America in this pivotal moment,” Richardson said of the conversation, “to put the specifics of what he does in a larger context.”

During the interview, Biden attempted to suggest that the Build Back Better (BBB) legislation that failed to pass in the Senate was meant to improve the overall quality of life for Americans while addressing infrastructure and climate change. read more

32 Comments on Biden claims he enjoyed ‘teaching’ and misses ‘being a professor at Penn’. Except he never taught there.

  1. My dream is a law making it illegal for former elected officials to receive any pay for “speaking fees”, book deals, movie deals, or any other similar money laundering schemes. If such a law couldn’t pass constitutional muster, at the very least have them forfeit their taxpayer-paid pensions.

  2. Joe Biden’s corruption is legendary and well-documented. The most disturbing part of the article was the fact that China donated 60 million dollars to “the Biden Center” at the University of Pennsylvania to spread their propaganda. How many other universities have had similar donations from China? All such donations should be seized under RICO statutes.

  3. …well, being extremely arrogant, very pompous, braun damaged by age and syphilis and political training, a liar, a pedophile, a Communist, an indoctrinator, a fraud, and an America hater who is actively hostile to actual science, math, and history and anything ELSE that doesn’t tell the story he wants to, as well as being immediately willing to shut down ANY debate that challenges his narrative in any way by the most extreme means possible, he’s got all the credentials to teach in any modern university on any subject…

  4. And he created a fake woman with coconut boobs and hair that smells like sweet coconut oil so that he can sniff it. I hear the sound of fake horses in the distance using coconuts clacking together to sound like horses running like in Monty Python. Can we get even get more absurd or will it get worse, my bets on worse.

  5. Liars lie.
    Deceivers deceive.
    Plagiarists plagiarize.
    Corrupt-o-crats grift.
    Pedophiles have sex with children.

    Joey has combined them all into a single, mal-formed political abomination which has been foisted upon us by a sick, twisted, usurping cabal of rich and highly placed traitors.

    Welcome to the “New” America!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. How is it possible for him to actually remember his work history? He spent a couple of years as a law clerk when he graduated and then went into public office.

  7. Biden speaks of “Quality of Life”, he is the man who has caused Americans the greatest economic pain. Food, fuel, energy and necessities are cost prohibitive.

    Biden has no integrity, a corrupt, pathological Liar, his words mean absolutely nothing. Biden’s actions and inactions speak the truth, he cares nothing for the American people who are struggling.
    Truth and reality have always escaped Biden.

  8. Listening to the teacher, one acquires an education.

    Not necessarily the one the teacher intended.

    Some lessons tell you everything you need to know.

    About the teacher…

  9. I would have thought that he missed being the First Man to set Foot on the moon and then when he saved the other 2 astronauts with the 14 second burn to correct the trajectory of the MIR space station & still got home in time to walk his Russian Dog Laika.

  10. cato,

    To saddle the next 3 generations with the disasters that he made much worse than it needed to be is a sin that He, & all the World leaders, should never be forgiven for.

  11. Xiden reminds me of the insults from the Cosby Kids cartoon.
    “He reminds me of a day without school. No class.”
    “He reminds me of a plastic cup. No glass.”I


  12. Truck driving, lumberjacking, lifeguarding, bus driving, coal mining, star baseball playing, football all americaning, amtrak riding, cancer solving, top of his class lawyering, speech plagiarizing, tough talking, stuttering, banty roostering, stair tripping, dog tail chasing, dementia dripping, child groping, drooling, pants shitting, teleprompting, squinting, name forgetting, story telling, fabulizing, lying, babbling, push up pounding, voter insulting, America shaming, embarrassing imbecile…

  13. “Fighter jets sent to Ukraine, FUCK U Russia, eat this! Asses!
    This clown has a way with words. I hope those planes come with instruction manuals so the peasants can fly them.

  14. The longtime career delusional narcissist Biden has lied about everything and continues doing so and with the assist of mainstream corporate media which is likely laughing at him behind his boneless back.

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